Author Topic: another....zinger  (Read 1609 times)


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« on: September 08, 2006, 07:54:16 PM »
well, I was supposed to go in to sign consent forms and have blood work taken for the surgery wednesday......

what actually happened, was, well, I talked to my surgeon, and after talking about the symptoms I didnt really want to discuss......and what is happening with my bladder on top of the uterus and ovaries problems.....

she now thinks I have nerve damage in my bladder....superfantabulous, just what I wanted to hear......

it seems my bladder is completely detatched from the abdominal wall and is sitting to the right side of my zipper, not where it is supposed to be, on TOP of the uterus......

she being an ob/gyn/surg, she can only do ob/gyn stuff......and wants the urology specialist/surg in on this case as well because of the additional issues at hand....

this means the surgery is postponed......AND I have to go meet with the OTHER doctor who is 45 minutes away, go back for ANOTHER doctor appt with him to get some testing done which is absolutely fantabulous because its a catheter that measures pressures blah blah blah and what exactly makes the bladder leak AND/OR be overactive....
and then ANOTHER meeting with him to discuss the results and whether or not he will be in on the hysterectomy to do the special tacks that my reg ob/gyn/surg CANT do.......

outcomes in a nutshell, worst case scenario-nerve damage and detachment= one of two types of tack and maybe medicine, or both, or one or the case scenario, detachment and he says I'll be fine with just the hysterectomy and simple tack......

either way, both uterus and both ovaries are coming out and bladder will be tacked.....but ob/gyn/surg cant do the special ones that last longer if I do in fact have nerve damage.......

and this pushes everything forward about a month or so depending on how they coordinate all the appointments.......

all of this on top of custody hearing set for oct 26 (J"s birthday), work, the land, working on emma, working on the new jeep, yes we got another one, so now we have expedition, work truck, 87 cj7, 83 cj7 needing a new tub, and the mustang, and the two snowmobiles.....asnd the bank to get the loan, and my wee one's father is just being a dickhead, as per usual.......*sighs*

I'm so tired and drained.....

there are many good things that will come of this, but I'm just will end up fine in the end, it just never stops ya know?  I'm uncomfortable, bloated, gained almost 30 lbs now ((yes I know that still only brings me up to 148 but still)), I just happen to be tired and not very positive at the moment....but I'll be fine......I've already thought about all the good things that will come out of this, and I respect my surgeon even more for getting more information before she goes in and takes out the other mess that needs to fixed....

I'll keep you posted as I can, and as I get the 10-15 minutes online time a night I get after all the boys, myself and the animals are all taken care of *chuckles*

I love you all, and thank you so much for listening, and sending support, I appreciate it more than you all know

*hugs and kisses*
Kar aka Gretchen

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Re: another....zinger
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2006, 09:26:18 PM »
Mistress as i light each candle to say prayers for those in need i ask my guardian angel to keep a eye on you as well... I wish you nothing but smooth sailing thru these troubled times but as you said you will come thru this all fine with no more worries after.. this path you must follow at this time seems dark but yes there is a light further down the road that will keep you safe an warm.. remember you are loved an cared for in both this world..**v/t an r/t**.. an the next..

lots of luv an hugggles for ya  now an when you can get back...

chanz an her typist...
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Re: another....zinger
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2006, 12:19:58 AM »
~snugglehuggles ya~ you are in my thoughts and prayers nightly... you will get through this as you have with all the other hurdles you have dealt with in your lifetime, though it's a short lifetime, you still have a long way to go, and when this is all said and done you will be happier and healthier for it... just remember I am just a PM away if you wish to talk... love ya Sister with all my heart and soul...

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Re: another....zinger
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2006, 07:52:20 AM »
Mistress in the middle of all of this big ass mess Your facing, when it seems as if You just wanna crumble, think of all of us here. pulling for You loving You constantly no matter what, Master Ubars love, and You will see its well worth it. Sometimes, the added love to what You have at home, helps in mircles happening, like actually relaxing and letting the docs do what they need to to get You home to us again, Wwe all love and miss You, all those hands You feel surrounding You, those are all of us helping to support You in all Your facing

loves You and misses You

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Re: another....zinger
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2006, 08:29:45 AM »
I know that the strong woman you are -- the Gretchen side of you as well as the Kar side of you -- will not break, will not crumble.  You will bend but not fold, will stop to rest but never stop to throw in the towel.  As you said, it's hellish right now, it's overwhelming, but one or two months down this seemingly endless road, it's going to be over, and you will have come out on top. 

I love you, and I miss you, but most of all -- I have FAITH in you!  ~tight hugs~

Living in the land of sun, sand, and Thassa breezes, where the only rule is common sense.  What's not to love?

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Re: another....zinger
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2006, 09:33:16 PM »


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Re: another....zinger
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2006, 12:28:08 PM »
continued thoughts and prayers.