Author Topic: Updates  (Read 1169 times)

Offline Yahira

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« on: September 17, 2006, 05:47:05 PM »
Oh gosh, I know it's been forever, and I'm sorry for that.

D and I are both working quite a bit, and when we haven't been working, we have been chasing after the kids.

We have a guest house that is completely separate from the main house, and his father moved in there to be closer. He's doing ok, but the loss of his wife has been very very hard on him, and so having him here instead of in Chicago allows us to help him.  We don't know if it will be permanent or not, but for now, it is working well.
The older kids are great, and keeping us busy taking them to all their activities.  This is the first year that my four year old was old enough to play any sports, and so he was thrilled.

The babies are spoiled rotten and into everything.  They aren't walking yet, but are pretty close. 

After a LONG wait, D and I finally got married on September 9, and we just returned from a much needed getaway together. 

For now, we are back..  *S*  We're planning a much longer trip in November..

Miss ya'll.. 

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: Updates
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2006, 07:27:12 PM »
indeed it has been some time!!! *G*

congradulations on tying the knot!!! it is about time. LOL

remember to take time to just relax if even for a few moments.
