There are some things in life, that are worth your pride. Your children, your friends and your family are of the most valuable things you can ever have. You can also take pride in your work. Money isnt nothing worth pride, for its not got soul, blood, or essence.
In MTC, You can take pride in what Y/you learn. The Warriors, can take pride as They learn to defend their Home. They can also take pride in their slaves, their Sisters, Brothers, and Ubar.
But something never to be prideful over, is in a foolish mistake.
This is Why I am writing this message. I made a mistake, not realizing how much some aspects of Gorean RP has changed. When I first began Gor, back in the late 90's online, things were different. And when it came to My attention that When writing a History of Your character it shouldn't via a rule include any History with the Black Caste, I was a little surprised.
When faced with this situation head on, I felt pride kick in. Do I know alot about the Black Caste, certainly I did! I use to be one in another character. I could have let My pride overshadowed good judgement. But I didn't. What matters to Me is MTC, not a stipulation I wasn't aware existed. Had I not agreed to it, Chances are Michael would have ended up dead sooner or later because all the Black Caste would come. Not over an OOC issue I say though. Its not whats worth it to Me. Defending MTC? Absolutely 100 % without question. Thats worth it to Me. MTC is worth it to Me.
To MTC I apologize for the interuption of RP because of not seaching out some information before I began RP there.
Pride, not always worth it..
rt Ryan
MTC Michael