*pounces on my sweetest sis jale{Kels} and kisses her and bunnysnuffles in her ear*..
Just in case you forget, I love you. When I miss you most I wrap my arms around myself and close my eyes and tell myself it is your hugging ... then savor the sweet rememberance of that feeling..
Kels, lure, flame, mM2 Mistress, deelicious, LoveMuffin and Chef, my 'Nother Mom!!,Lilac, SuperRaz....
geez.. I can't name everyone, but YES, you all matter, and even if I don't get online in the room much at all anymore, you all have touched my life in places and ways that only you could have done, and for that I love and cherish each.
Because y'all make time to take time for each other, you are a special band of angels...
love, woobie