Author Topic: Requesting a LOA  (Read 1109 times)

Offline kyza{F}mat-tp

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Requesting a LOA
« on: March 23, 2007, 11:46:57 AM »
*slipping to her knees she pauses to think..needing to word this right so all will understand.  she picks up the chalk and begins to write*

Masters, Mistresses, sisters, and brothers...i respectfully request an LOA of my own.  my reality has suddenly gotten crazy.  i am not in the best of health rt and on top of the craziness my body has also decided to revolt.  among other things i suffer from a bad back coupled with savere muscles spasams making it nearly impossible to walk at times, let alone sit infront of the computer.  my Master knows about this,  He is the one to push for me to come before you all and ask for the LOA. 

i am not certain when i will be able to come back.  it could be a very long time, so i will leave the decission of what to do with me up to you all and Master.  this name can be shelved for a time or i can be released.  i don't like taking on any kind of online responsibilities when my rt is like this.  it isn't fair to those i rp with.  i'm sorry for any problems this has caused, but it is unavoidable.  i only wish i would have forseen this sooner so i could have given everyone a heads up.  again...i am sorry and i await your decision on what to do with me.

thank you,

*setting the chalk down she sloowly rolls to her feet and backs out of the room with a heavy sigh*
~Master's kitten with claws~

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: Requesting a LOA
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2007, 04:26:19 PM »
LOA is granted.

A girl will be in thoughts and prayers.

Do keep in touch and let me know how things progress.


Offline Thalia

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Re: Requesting a LOA
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2007, 05:00:26 PM »
I will look forward to your return!  It was a pleasure meeting you, and I do hope your RT health and other matters clear up soon. -smiles-

Living in the land of sun, sand, and Thassa breezes, where the only rule is common sense.  What's not to love?