My apologies about last night. It was a wild one.
When I got up to get dressed and prepare to have to go outside, a multitude of things happened, the major one of which we lost our electricity in the building. Yay.
So amid all that we had our "team captain" of our floor banging on doors saying we had to go outside by orders of the fire department. Now "bucky" our team captain is a bit slow minded. He bangs our OUR door (only our door) when someone is burning beans, or whatever (we have a really bad cook in our building). "The smoke bothers us" he says, as I slam the door in his face.
We don't leave, but are gearing up to and "bucky" wants to waltz in our apartment. Enter growling dog in now. JD does not like "bucky" or his wife "skank-face" or his kids "brat 1" "brat 2" ... well "brat 3" is still an infant, so he hasn't gotten the chance to get teased by that one yet.
Enter not the fire department but the police department who wants everyone out on the top 2 floors because .. not of the fire in the builidng next door (flames we can see from our window by now) .. but because of ......... BANG! BANG! BANG! We got the picture fast.
However, our elevator was out and we are on the top floor. Going DOWN stairs would be painful enough for me, it was how I'd get back up. So, I asked if I could sit out in the hallway --- with my dog. Cops: "No ma'am" and explaining the dangers. So, I told them they can carry me back up.
Enter Daniella (some of you know her as amore) who is gathering up her kids and walks over, announces she is an attorney and if I get injured in the process of having to mount stairs because of my medical condition, she wishes to bear witness to happily represent me in court. So, she doesn't tell them she's a criminal attorney. Minor omission. Fire department is there now too making sure the fire doesn't spread, meanwhile there's a lot of BANG BANG BANG going on and the cops said, okay, and let me camp out in the hallway mid-point where no chance of stray gunfire could reach me.
And now, the story of what happened.
Enter "george" "paul" "john" and "ringo". They have been making some good deals for a couple of months now. Not sure if they've noticed all the undercover cops that have been hanging around the neighborhood, or they didn't care. But now after a good night, the cops are ready to move in.
First set of sirens that won't stop. Banging on doors, "cops open up!" and -------------- ringo decides to be smart and ---- burn the evidence. Except he has nothing to use for kindling. Except all those dollar bills stacked up they were counting and ... yeah. Except when the cops bust in and the flames are growing, ringo tries to run, catches his foot on .. something, the foot of the small kitchenette table maybe, that contains the burning rubble and it tumbles over .. along with burning rubble and four glasses and a big jug of high octane Jim Bean. This in turn knocks over the over-flowing trash can nearby.
Right now, the cops are more concerned at the bullets directed at them than the fire until one says, "shit" and calls in for help from the fire department.
The apartment survived, save for the kitchen, the rubble, well, the money burned nice, but the cops were able to salvage enough of the product they were selling, and ringo, well... his friends aren't really happy with him, we were told....