It doesn't seem to matter what the season is, there is always a reason why the camp stands empty. Be it late summer and we are getting hyper kids ready for back to school, winter and we are struggling with finding ways to make ends meet with Christmas around the corner, late spring and the end of the school year for those who are educators and those who have said hyper kids, or the midst of summer with vacations, extra yard work and once more, said hyper kids to try to entertain.
Now I know I'm gonna get shot to hell for this, but, oh well. When Rags is kept from us due to health issues, the camp is suddenly empty. Yes, I know I'm guilty of not being in there too, but as was stated, its hard to roleplay by one's self. Where has that family gone, that I fist met back in 2004, when it didn't seem to matter what time of the day it was or what season of the year it was, there was always someone in there? We all have our reasons as to why r/t keeps us away from camp, but down in my gut, I'm starting to wonder if our home is fizzling out. There are so many I've not seen for such a long time, when I do see them, its like, oh yeah, I forgot you were a member of the family. I'm not trying to cut anyone down, and I know that yes, as always, r/t comes first, all I'm saying is, I'm not seeing the dedication I saw the first year I was a part of MTC.