Replaced With Swastikas in Wash.
From Associated Press
May 28, 2007 11:37 PM EDT
ORCAS ISLAND, Wash. - Vandals burned dozens of small American flags that decorated veterans' graves for Memorial Day and replaced many of them with hand-drawn swastikas, authorities said Monday.
Forty-six flag standards were found empty and another 33 flags were in charred tatters Sunday in the cemetery, authorities said. Swastikas drawn on paper appeared where 14 of the flags had been.
Members of the American Legion on this island off Washington's northwest coast replaced the burned flags with new ones Sunday afternoon.
The vandals struck again on Memorial Day after a guard left at dawn, the San Juan County sheriff's office said. This time, the vandals left 33 of the hand-drawn swastikas.
"This is not an act of free speech. This is a crime," Sheriff Bill Cumming said in a statement released Monday afternoon.
Investigators believe there's more than one culprit, based on the number of flags that were vandalized, Cumming said in a telephone interview. But authorities have no suspects, he said.
The sheriff said deputies were trying to lift fingerprints off what little physical evidence they were able to recover.I say if the guilty party(s) are found, their citizenship should be taken away, all personal property is forfeited as restitution and penalties. Tattoo their arm for identification purposes and set them to forced labor on rations inadequate to support life. When no longer able to labor, gas the fuckers and incinerate them and scatter the ashes leaving no record of their final resting place nor memorial to their passing. As they make their way into the showers for gassing, they would be asked if they still find the swastika more highly prized for what it has come to be associated with than Old Glory and respecting those who had served and should be honorably remembered.
They think it's so damn cute... let them experience it.
My Uncle, and several other WWII Vets I had known who saw action in Europe, saw the swastika flying and worn on the arms of some they faced in combat, liberated the camps, or were prisoners who faced atrocities at the hands of those wearing the armbands.... these men and others like them..... to have the symbol of what they fought against and and endured unimaginable horrors placed over their graves on Memorial Day feels to be the epitome of disrespect, defilement, and desecration.
Even a drawn out painful lingering death seems too easy for the likes of such filth who would commit such an act.
I don't feel it was done by any neo-nazis, white supremest organisation, etc... but rather very uncommon trash with no sense of morality, patriotism, or even respect for themselves. I find myself wondering... did they have no ancestors who served this Nation? Do they not even have the slightest clue of what they have done? How can anyone be such an ignorant, idiotic, jerk-off asshat as to perpetrate such an act?
These were the graves of our Veterans where they have earned honored peaceful rest. They all may not have even been WWII Veterans, but our men and women who have served at anytime during their lives.
This was our Nation's Flag. Men and women have died defending it, carrying it, holding the ground over which it flew, suffered wounds and pain, preserving what it stands for... and is still being done with Courage, Honor, and Valor... three qualities these vandalizing abominations will never grasp or come to understand.
If they are not brought to justice in this life, may they be forever damned in the next.