hello my family
i know i haven't been around alot lately but you all have been in my thoughts and prayers .. i have missed you all so much ... but it looks like it could be alot longer ... those that know my situation know i have struggled with finding myself and my own freedoms because of certain issues ... well that may change pretty soon ... i might have a move in my future.. i wont know anything for awhile yet because i go up on the 12 and 13 of July to tour the place and decide if i want to go ...but if i do decide to do this it means moving 4 1/2 hours away from the only home i have ever known and away from my family and friends ... at my age (30 in august) i have finally decided tis time i take my life in hand and just deal with things so i am going to go to an independent living place where they teach me and help me learn to live on my own without help or with limited amounts of it ... this has been a hard decision to make to even look into this but i know now that its time and that i am strong enough to do it .... i worry about my parents because i am the baby and they have never lived apart from me nor i them. i am excited and nervous all at once but i know this is for me..
please my family keep me in your thoughts thru the next few weeks as i make plans and decisions about my future. and keep your fingers crossed that all goes well on the tour and i do decide to do this
LOL ok enough soap box
love you all so much