So, girl has posted this a few times now but wished to make a post in case. This one hasn't worked in quite some time, and this past year has been hard on my family, not so much financially but we lost my son on October 6, 2006 in a car accident. Mentally, Emotionally, we've been all over the place and girl has felt that her life lacks some meaning recently.
Thankfully a great job opportunity came, and girl got the job. Working M-F 7:30-4:30 (and some OT) its an in-home daycare and there are currently 16... YES SIXTEEN kids. Ages varying from less than a year to 4-5. My body currently isn't even beginning to be used to this new daily routine so lately by the time girl gets home she is too tired to do anything but eat, then sleep. This weekend has been pretty hectic too because what she didn't get to over the week she had to get done this weekend.
Has gotten time to check the boards thankfully, and hope to before the nights over get into the room and do some chores if its empty, otherwise offer service and see someone of MTC.
Just an update for you all, sayra is missing her home but will be happy to get her first paycheck in years!! =)