hidey ho.....
this is just a quick let Y/you in on rt stuff so Y/you know why I'm still not around with any set regularity.....
went to boston 2 weeks ago to order wedding bands, started 5 weeks ago planning at work to take this coming weekend off ((all told 3 days off of work, plus 2 days for regular weekend)), so more hours at work TO be able to go because I'm the only one that knows how to do My job....getting custody plans straight for those days between both our ex'es for the weekend coming up, animal care, packing, seeing when we're going to fit in fixing my truck to the tune of no less than $1,000 WITH Jamie doing the work himself, that;s just parts.....spending time with son when I have him ((50% custody)).....planning wedding next month on the 12th, buying 11 acres of land and getting papers transferred, planning when we're going to clear land, put up garage, what we're going to put IN garage for storage, where we're going to store the company's tools while we live at mom's while they're in florida, planning the move for the end of august ((that's TWO full households moving into ONE, three kids, a dog, 3 cats and a fish LOL)).....planning how much time we'll BE at mum and dad's house while we're building other house, how we're going to come up with the fine for taking the land out of current use....taking the trip to ohio.......getting out of my house so mum can move in until she moves down to florida.....confused yet?
? CAUSE I AM DAMMIT!!!!!!......wedding in august....planning for THREE HUNDRED people to be at reception the following month in september ((wedding is private ceremony with just a few people there, the reception is planned for a month later to give people time to cool off from not being invited to the actual wedding, and to be able to plan on being here for the reception LOL))......2 boys playing football this year, different teams cause they're different age groups, the oldest is playing soccer.......and work......
and well, sometime in there I have to fit online time in
I think somewhere in there I'm supposed to fit some time for me in....but its not looking to promising LOLOLOL
so....everything is good, just damn damn damn damn damn busy.
so....I have good reasons, but well....there are a few....and just a few things....that come before online time LOL *MWAH*
I still love you guys bunches and bunches.