Ya know its a hell of note when you wake up on a Monday morning and your housemate tells You the following all with a big ass smile on her face...
1. Hey Chris I got a new job.
2. Oh btw Chris its in Huntington.
3. Hrmm, Chris I'm selling the house.
4. And Chris before I forget the the house is going be listed today.
Now the following is My reaction....
1. Great for you
2. Ahh, I see. Is the pay better cause that's a long haul everday.
3. *blink, blink jaw tenses*
4. * More jaw tensing and then eruption of temper* And your just telling Me now ?!!? * then a dead calmness, tight smile on face*... Gee, bitch thanks for the advance notice...
Well all looks like Im freaking moving.... Move will take place in October, I will keep ya upated on that... * sighs, and goes back to work... *