Author Topic: Owies...  (Read 1432 times)

Offline Kitya

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« on: October 31, 2007, 10:32:45 AM »
So... nicely finish my PT on my back, and what do I go and do last night? Somehow, in one of my liftings of Kymberbutts, I have majorly tweaked a muscle. I don't know what it's called... it's the one on your chest right around your collarbone. Basically, a muscle you use in lifting pretty much anything. Even lifting a coffee cup hurts like the dickens. As long as I don't move my arm from the elbow up, I'm ok. Makes things SOOOO much fun with a kidlet. Especially a kidlet who has a cold and wants to be held.

Normally, I'd be taking a Flexall muscle relaxant right about now, but I can't. I can't drive when I'm on those things, and kidlet and I are going "trunk or treating" at the church tonight. I've already promised to bring candy for it, and my mom sent a really cute costume, so... we're going. However, as soon as we're back, I am taking a Fexall, and zoning out in front of the tv watching Ghosthunter's zillion hour live episode.

So everyone have a GREAT Halloween tonight! Have loads of fun and stay safe! Kidlet sees the doctor tomorrow for a booster shot, so I'll see what they say about my collarbone. Gah.

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: Owies...
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2007, 10:52:45 AM »


Offline flame{NS}

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Re: Owies...
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2007, 12:37:42 PM »
 hopes you get to feeling she takes kidlet off and whispers all kind of things to do while mommy is handcap for the time being... dont worry little one flamey will teach you all the things you need to know and best part about it... will teach you how to stay out of trouble too... hugs you and shouts let the teaching begain..

 no really hope you get to feeling better..leaves hugs and kisses..

but will still help the little one out.. nods lots and lots

da flame

runs and hides
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Offline Amber

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Re: Owies...
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2007, 12:43:45 PM »
Stop pulling muscles!  Sheesh.  Like I'm one to talk, my ribs still haven't healed from being pulled in early July, but that's simply because they're on my left side, and I carry trays at work with my left hand (my right is completely useless for balance).  I hope you get to feeling better, and I hope your Halloween is a good one, despite the pulled muscle.

Offline Kitya

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Re: Owies...
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2007, 09:27:42 AM »
Ok, Good News...

Trunk or Treating was a total success... Kym adored it, everyone adored her costume.. (pics are coming, just haven't gotten them off the camera yet), she discovered that you can chew off a corner of a mini Three Musketeers bar, and with really hot hands, basically melt the whole thing in the wrapper, making sure you squish it really good.. and then suck out the entire candy thru that corner. She also discovered the wonderful world of M&M's and Skittles.

My shoulder/collarbone area is feeling alot better today. I rubbed Tiger Balm in it yesterday and today, and today, while still hurting, is more of a sore bruised feeling than the sharp stabbing pains I was getting yesterday.

Now the Bad News...

Kym still has her cold... being out trunk or treating for 30 min didn't seem to make it worse... which is a bonus... but, she gave it to me. So I'm fogged out on Sudafed, and taking NyQuil at night to kick this thing asap. I was so out of it last night I actually had to record GhostHunters and went to bed at 11pm.

Kym got a booster today. When a small child gets her first flu shot, it's actually a two parter. You get the first half, and then a month later, you come back and get the second half. So that was today. So... she's got a cold, feeling icky, isn't sleeping well cuz her nose gets congested, and now she's even more icky from the booster, AND she woke up early this morning. After an hour straight of crying, I gave up and put her down for a nap with her bottle of milk, since she wouldn't let me feed it to her due to crying too much. She's over tired. So today should just be a LUVERLY day. She's been so blah she doesn't want to drink out of her sippy cup, so I'm just going to keep her bottle full of water for the day so she doesn't get dehydrated. Thank god for children's tylonol... and no... it's not the cough and cold stuff. Just regular tylonol. And of course, on top of all this, she's still teething. Huh.. and people wonder why I've been looking all spaced out and totally worn out.

Offline Sahara

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Re: Owies...
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2007, 08:19:49 PM » have the WORST luck! I'll be prayin' for ya!