sorry i havent been in camp much lately..i take meds that evidently knockin me out at 7pm lol and me wakin up at approximately 3 or 4 am then napping till 6 pm lol (yeah yeah) i know lol. it keeps me occupied. plus i have been eagerly waiting to hear from moon and to find out how her mom has been doing
Last i heard rthat moonbean called me 3 weeks ago or so and had told me that her mom wasnt doin good i cant remember her exact words but she was crying..i could tell. if you all would do me agreat huge favot and email heer and send hersome love im sure it would help out alot to keep her spirits, we all have lost loved ones, and she is golin to or has lost her mother to cancer.
her email is
ladymoonlite2@hotmail.comthnx Titus aka Ted
ps: i love my family much