Hehehehehe....deemon bartending 101:
Caribbean Daze
Grab one 16 oz. Styrofoam cup. (Being classy is of the utmost importance.)
Pour two fingers of coconut rum to the bottom. (It's preferable to have a little Captain in ya, but any brand will do.)
Discover that two and a half fingers of rum were poured and dump the excess to one's own cup.
Pour two fingers of Hypnotiq atop the rum.
Fill with Sprite up to the rim.
Taste test, spreading one's germs around just a bit more, and add a spash more rum.
Serve to the person to your right; repeat.
Smurf on the Beach
Discover that there is no more Hypnotiq.
Decide that anything blue will work.
Experiment with Blue Curaco -- two fingers or something like that.
Make your neighbors wheeze with the potency of your drink, which you can neither smell nor taste.
Make a comment about your tongue being numb, and this being FABulous.
Proceed to get up and dance, then get yourself collared and braceleted, and then doze at the side of your Dom of choice.
Ahem -- repeat next year.