Im puzzled... and yes to help show why im puzzled I found pictures too...
While I was tending to Ubar there was a situation where his IV bag was empty...
here's where Im boggled
While I was tending to Ubar there was a situation where his IV BAG was empty...
when I think of an IV I think of..
but see that bag is made of pvc... a type of flexable plastic, in adition the tubing is made of a similar compound.
but as far as I know... there is no plastic on Gor. Rubber is made from the rubber plant (has no idea if its a plant or tree) so it would be safe to assume that there is the possisabilty of rubber... but the closest thing to plastic Ive seen so far in the books and in all my quote scouring was the plasticly thing that the slaves in the PK nest wore.
Rubber tubing I assume would be what we would use for the IV drip. and all the clamps and such most likely would be made from metal instead of plastic like here on earth.
I would however assume that the IV bags would be the old fashioned glass kinds... the problem with the glass ones was that there needed to be a vent to let the iv drip properly...meaning that there would be a bigger chance for air to get into the vein... meaning that the drip would need to be checked much more frequently... the glass IV containers were standard untill only about 20 years ago, and even today they are still used just not as frequently, most times they are used when the meds needed in the drip would be absorbed if put into a plastic container.
the glass is a much diffrent set up...
and just to compare the two...
I wondered if Rubber bags would be an option... but with the problems that modern medicine has with the pvc plastic breaking down and the chemicals and such getting into the fluids inside the bag I figured that the rubber would not be a valid option, as rubber is a much more unstable meterial... ever used one of those old fashioned red rubber water bags? you know like the kind your grannie used to use in her bed to warm her feet? well when they have water that sits in them too long the water smells all rubbery when you dump it out... I would assume that to mean that the rubber is somehow getting into the water.
glass automatically seems like the best option for a wagon camp... because the glass can be sterilized and used over and over again... where the plastic bag kind are sorta one time use only, to be recycled and reformed at a later date.
so my final question is what kind of IV containers do we use and how are the solutions stored?
I would love to hear your opionions on the matter... and quotes if anyone has any!