At times, for whatever reason, we all tend to lose focus on things and take some things for granted. We forget factors that during our vt lives have a direct and indirect bearing on our lives. This is not only a facet of our vt lives.... but can and often is a facet of our rt lives as well.
We can do nothing but offer food for thought regarding rt, but we can impress the importance of certain points in our vt lives.
When a free requests serve from a slave, pay attention to the serve. This is not to say to give the slave your undivided attention, as in a busy home such is not always possible. But do take the time to watch the serve.. offer a few thoughts or words and take notice of the service. At times when just requesting a simple serve of a drink or something, a reply is enough. But when requesting detailed service respect the home enough to note the quality of the serve as well as the slave's desire and devotion to serve. Reply to what is seen. I have noticed some free could be served up a slave's old sandal to eat and footbath water to drink and would still accept a good serve and dismiss the slave to see to ohers.
Slaves, when serving, also remember that free may be dividing their attention. Do not assume they are not paying attention to your serve as they also speak with others.
There are many "duties" in camp that all perform. It varies from chores, to Clan work, to patrolling and herding, etc. All of these are important. However, Free and slave alike must also remember to have some fun. Otherwise burnout is inevitable and that brings with it a serious case of the grumpies.
The Free tend to do quite a bit of relaxing. However... the slaves do not. A slave can remain busy and still enjoy camp experiences. Instead of the usual food or drink, ask a slave to assist with Clan work. Command them to bathe and/or eat.
One might be surprised at the conversationalists slaves can be.
Even though we try to keep busy... there are many ways to keep busy and still experience many different aspects of camp life.
Our girls are loved-- but no one loves a grumpy puss. While true that our r/t emotions do come through to our v/t selves-- slaves that actively seek to be on their own for v/t or r/t reasons will only alienate themselves. The same actually can be said of Free. Secondly, if you are a slave and are serving, take pride in the fact that you are a slave in undoubtedly -THE- best Home on Gor, whether serving a Master, a Mistress, or doing a chore. Do not simply post what you are doing-- make it poetic, something to remember. You, as a slave, are the only one who can make yourself be seen and viewed for the wonder that you are.. or not.
When there is issue to be taken with another's r/p-- address it in private so as not to disrupt the roleplay of the room, unless it affects the room as immediately, as a whole. Even then, the only person who should be doing this is Ubar, or Council if he is not available.
We live our lives in Tuchuk to take the good with the bad. We come to Tuchuk to enjoy that life. Good drama is a way of life for without it there would be no role play. However, please leave the bad drama at the entry.
Nexi and Rags