I completely forgot to post the update on my father... Seems that it's just a normal everyday cyst, nothing serious, as they waited, and wondered why the doctors were allowing it to take so long to get the test results, was that they weren't very worried... ~RME~ They are going to just let it go, instead of trying to drain it, which would be extremely painful, and not needed... So, it's not cancer, and that is what my greatest fear was... His kidneys are working fine, in fact, he is in excellent health, which is wonderful, as my father turns 78 next month... We already know his family lives a long time, at least his sisters are still going strong, and their oldest sister who just went through her second 'bout of cancer is going strong and in remission, and she's in her 80s.. ~smiles~
Just wanted to give you all an update... my thanks for the thoughts and well wishes...