;Dwanna thank my Bro's out of character here cuz well lol to be honest i dunno what to say in character lol
but guys? RAZ AND TERRAN..You both ROCK! that was so much a blast and i did learn alot that i had lost
i know there is so much more. Raz i ihave the page bookmarked and will prolly read thoroughly prolly make it my 'bible'
of combat in Webmaze..lol...but thanks for that mind work out t here were things that clkicked and things that were new
to me...see i havent had that kind of an open spar since 2002 at least lasaty time iwas in here at MTC way back when...when i left there (died) my old char? which wont name cuz it was bad blood lol anyways we sparred in the spar pit. i do remember the 5 posts thing
and always describe what your char is wearing for armor and weapons and then took your stance..lol and these guys i faced did like amost 8 lines of posts lol. but anyways you showed me that yes peeps nowadays are off the wall and will read the combat rules and such will try
to be thebest that ican....thank you again my friends