The wi-fi at the shop is gone, and we aren't certain if it will be returning... there are a lot of pissed off children and adults about the lack of Xbox Live ~smirks~ We are working on a way to get at least dial up, since we can't get anything else, unless we are willing to pay $100 for satellite, gotta love living in the boondocks, and trust me, this is more than boondocks, we are smack dab in the middle of nowhere, nearest food store is 13 miles away, gas is down the street, if you want to pay an arm and a leg, and we don't, and that place is as close as the food store...
So for now, I am at the library, and until such time as we get the net back either at the shop or at home, you will know... though I think getting dial up is going to be quicker.. ~sighs softly~
I will be in touch with Shoko, if the brat learns to pick up her phone... ~laughs~ I will talk to you all soon, and as I said on the other thread, just name the time for the meeting and I will find a way there