Hello one and all! *friendly smile*
I am here seeking your assistance! *warm smile*
Wow, many, many moons ago (when this site first went live-believe it was around 1998?), a group of fine folks moved over to webmaze from a place called SFD (San Francisco Dungeon)...and good times were had...and gosh, I do miss everyone.....
Over time, sadly, we all scattered to the wind....going our separate ways...living out lives....growing up...getting older...and losing touch....
About a year or two ago? (geez, I have the memory of a goldfish these days and can't remember shit) I came here and posted to this forum that Buddha has kindly left up and available for use...and POOF, old friends started surfacing....I was amazed to see and hear from people I hadn't seen for ages....
We even had a small reunion chat and had plans for a bigger reunion event since we had a core group of people who could send out messages to those whom they still had contact with....and otherwise spread the word in hopes of getting as many of us back together as possible for a flash back episode...
Sadly, due to personal life events, I had to disappear again, and never made it back and I apologize directly to aimee for me needing to do that...
Well...long story short (if you are still with me, here? *laughs*), I am here for two reasons...
I managed to hook back up with VioletFire but somehow no longer have a good telephone number for her and she doesn't respond to the last email addy I have. If anyone out there knows how to contact her, I would be ever so grateful if you could tell her I am desperately looking for her....*soft smile*
Second reason (won't this woman ever shut up you are saying? lol)....it would be nice to hook up with other people I knew back then, and I've already sent aimee a message...but, sadly, it doesn't seem like this place is populated much these days...and about a week ago, a kind moderator at this site passed along a message to her...or said they would, but I haven't heard back from her.
Where is everyone?
I do hope my old friends are doing well...and I have fond memories of all of you....each and every one of you.....
Sincerely....the splashy one (or so you will remember, if you knew me back then!)