Author Topic: da board, da board, kay  (Read 626138 times)

Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2085 on: January 10, 2008, 06:34:56 AM »
-- how can I explain this to you, kay?

In the fine art of bluffing -- kinda give that faraway look like this:

        and if someone asks you a question? give 'em this look:

and remember, one needs NOT show his hand too quickly

Offline kay

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2086 on: January 10, 2008, 12:26:44 PM »

By george, I think I can do that fred....laughs

Looky looky who turned da up buddy  8)

Shirley....that fred sure is a winner....why look at ALL his poker chips  :o

Offline kay

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2087 on: January 11, 2008, 05:41:11 AM »

I am happy to report in that I have mastered that look fred ;D  8)
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm wondering if that is a good thing or not?  lol
Have a great weekend fred ~hugs~

Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2088 on: January 11, 2008, 05:46:44 AM »
**tosses in poker chips for ante and for turning da page..........


now read 'em and weep:


Offline kay

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2089 on: January 11, 2008, 05:56:45 AM »

A royal straight flush??  :o  :'(   
Say it isn't so fred! *gulps*

*looks up your sleeve*   :o    fred!

Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2090 on: January 11, 2008, 07:32:31 PM »
saying: "it aint so, fred"................

look up my sleeve, if you like 
                                               --  nuttin

  But I still CAN play a mean game of poker     

I have a new book out : 'The Fine Art of Monkeying around while Playing Poker'
Need an advance copy? -- only $24.95 each

Offline kay

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2091 on: January 12, 2008, 07:26:36 AM »

*mumbles*  I'll take a copy fred.  I'll have to read what monkey business you are up to there....laughs  ::)

Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2092 on: January 12, 2008, 05:31:07 PM »
kay................  you won't be disappointed in the book

I sent it out C.O.D. yesterday.

Here is a typical testimonial, from one of my many satisfied customers who has found the book's advice very good.

-- "great book!
     I've used many of fred's 'Fine Art' ploys in everyday situations" -- G. B.


Offline kay

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2093 on: January 13, 2008, 06:31:59 AM »

hahaha oh my gosh comment here....laughs j/k

Ummmmmm is it too late to cancel my order? *looks over*

*puts on my Colts jersey* for later ;D


Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2094 on: January 13, 2008, 05:04:28 PM »
I am sorry to inform you, but your ponies didn't survive. 


Maybe you put, da shirt on.................. inside_out?  jinx'd 'em?

I suggest your ponies stick to poker
                                                  by my book:

Check your postbox today..................... "da book" should be there sometime.

Offline kay

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2095 on: January 14, 2008, 05:34:44 AM »

I know poor lil ponies.....they just didn't have it in them....sighs
But those Chargers were sure charged up *mumbles* lol

da shirt was on right....oh well....I will be awaiting da book  ::)
Oh joy!  Oh joy!   8)
Have a good day ~hugs~

Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2096 on: January 14, 2008, 10:51:24 AM »

enough of this monkey-business, already?       {for joy, for joy!}

We are not so trivial, as to only be discussing, monkey poker bluffs. We can discuss the BIG global issues of da day, too.

? ?  Oh, by the way ? ?  Did you see the Golden Globe Awards presentations, last nite?

Man ! -- I wish I could of won one of those awards.  I lost the 'ball' to the back bumper, trailer hitch.


Offline kay

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2097 on: January 15, 2008, 05:45:17 AM »

Now now fred....I did not say....for joy, for joy!
I did say.....oh joy!  oh joy!  and even had on sunglasses so you couldn't see my eyes rolling....laughs

I didn't see the Golden Globe Awards fred.  Maybe instead of working so much on your poker face....we can work on your acting face and be back in business with the hitch thingy??  8)  ;D

Offline kay

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2098 on: January 16, 2008, 05:39:07 AM »

fred fred!  *nudges ya*  How is the hitch thingy going?? *looks over*  8)

Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2099 on: January 16, 2008, 05:39:28 AM »

acting face ? ?   

here is a chimp, with his acting face, of fred?