Author Topic: da board, da board, kay  (Read 626167 times)

Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2130 on: January 30, 2008, 07:33:30 AM »
on a frigid day, like today  (wind chill -40) ............

I could use some of your back pocekts to keep warm by:


Great hand warmers!  one for each hand?


Offline kay

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2131 on: January 30, 2008, 10:47:13 AM »

YAY fred turned da page!  AND I'm just in time for lunch I see....hahaha
What can be better than that? *looks over*   8)

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2132 on: January 30, 2008, 06:51:08 PM »
what could be better?

.........................."You've asked fred?"


so............ how do we handle a hot, opened-faced turkey sandwich w/ gravy, peas, and mashed potatoes without mashing peas nor smashing de taters?

gets the oven mitts (we were talking hot pockets)
                       and advices you not to sit down

« Last Edit: January 31, 2008, 05:40:35 AM by fred »

Offline kay

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2133 on: January 31, 2008, 05:51:19 AM »

Oh man fred....that looks SO good.....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
AND to think it is only breakfast time.  I will have to peek back in at lunch time methinks....laughs

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2134 on: January 31, 2008, 10:34:05 AM »
kay. kay............. kay ! !!

"did you forget?"

you are sitting on our lunch.....


ooool, them hot gravy pockets of yours :o

-- *continues smiling at the camera* :)  despite it oozing down my leg

« Last Edit: January 31, 2008, 12:47:51 PM by fred »

Offline kay

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2135 on: February 01, 2008, 05:37:44 AM »

Keep on smiling there fred!   ;D
The eyes and smile tells all *looks over*  fred?!?!  It looks like you have one blue and one brown eye?  :o

Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2136 on: February 01, 2008, 10:22:30 AM »
if eyes and smile tell it all.......

what do you think my blue eye is saying?
and my brown eye?

(all I can think of now is the song:  "Devil or Angel"

now what do now think my arm says?..... (read both ways)


and in between: the two, shall meet

Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2137 on: February 02, 2008, 06:28:43 PM »
come the super bowl......

you wanted the giants...........
I wanted the patroits...........but YOU wanted a favorable point spead

NOW, such a deal I've got for you............

I'll give you +8 points...... So da Patriots must win by at least 9 more points than the giants

Deal or NO deal ?

Let's make this bet, more interesting, this year?  let's say?...... 100 quarters!

(winner won't have to pay after turning 'da page' for the rest of the year?)
« Last Edit: February 03, 2008, 11:57:26 AM by fred »

Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2138 on: February 04, 2008, 05:18:58 AM »
oh kay.........

sorry for that "NO Deal"   :'(  ;D  :'(

I didn't read back from you, before da game, so guessed we had "NO Deal"  

cry NOT, little girl
                          bo hoooo  :'(

for there is good news..... hold out your hand, please.......

fred: pays you $6.50 from my 1/2 of winnings from the super bowl 'bet board'  ;D

Offline kay

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2139 on: February 04, 2008, 05:51:47 AM »

OH thanks for putting the song 'Devil or Angel' in my head fred *looks over* lol
*reading the arm* I definately see Angel....then you asked me to read it backwards and I thought well it must be Legna and I thought to myself Legna?
I thought that can't be upon further glancing.....I saw Devil.....oh yes I did....laughs

Hey fred....I didn't read your post on Saturday to say DEAL!  YOU know I wanted the Giants especially with the +8 points  Guess I did NOT need your +8 points afterall fred *looks over* nenner nenner  Think how proud the Mannings must be of their sons....Peyton wins the Super Bowl last year and Eli wins the Super Bowl this year.  Isn't there another Manning son?

*grabs my $6.50* and looks at fred and mumbles!
If I just happen to turn da page now....I am NOT paying YOU a quarter fred *hands on my hips* 

Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2140 on: February 04, 2008, 11:07:20 AM »
(kay) ....luck was on your side? didn't turn da page, either!

NOW back to the report from: "Abrams and Abrams Accounting Firm"

They seem to indicate on page 4 of their report:

1) that (kay) -- minimalized her potential loses (based on her previous excessive betting patterns) by NOT dealing the deal.
2) that (kay) -- could of owed fred $25.00 if she lost the deal as previous experience indicated that she would likely do.
3) that (kay) -- should of thanked her lucky starts **** that (fred) did report (declare) his winnings.
4) and that (fred) -- did split 50/50 those winnings {after taxes, overhead, reinventory stocking, and depletion costs were deduced}.
5) What a great guy (fred) --  was for being so gracious (unignominious) in sharing that portion of his winnings with that (kay). 
(three (3) cheers for fred:  fred, fred, fred)

so ends the report..............

reflections on the Mannings:

I can see how Archie (father standing between his two sons Eli & Peyton) would be so proud of them.

I also see a strong family resemblance between the father and the two sons.  Archie's head (HUGE size) gene was passed on to both boys). Sorry to see now, both boys, too need to be muzzled like their father.

Offline kay

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2141 on: February 05, 2008, 05:45:48 AM »

OH whatever fred!  *holds up my hand*  laughs
*wonders what is on page 1, 2 and 3 of their report* and *rolls my eyes*  ::)
Methinks you need a new accounting firm!  So take that to the bank buddy oh pal ;D

Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2142 on: February 05, 2008, 03:25:40 PM »
new accounting firm?

kay................. do you have any suggestions?

I'm guessing your firm could be bribed for a few, choice cookies.

Offline kay

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2143 on: February 06, 2008, 06:28:48 AM »

Time to bring in the new troops fred *nudges ya*
*grabs a cookie* and puts the cookie back.  I just realized Lent starts today and I gave up chocolate and pop for Lent.  What else you have there? *looks over*  Any non chocolate cookies? lol   :D

Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2144 on: February 06, 2008, 01:56:52 PM »

you can have it is either in:
   1) bar-form
    2) rolled (like tootsie)
    3) or coned
anyway you pick it............. everyone enjoys it