Author Topic: da board, da board, kay  (Read 626416 times)

Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2550 on: November 10, 2008, 12:23:19 PM »

        I am sorry.   ~hugs~
I tried to cover my eyes and NOT see you in that juiced postion.  but ...............tried as I might..................  I just had to sneak_a_peek & ponder: 'how'd you get into that position?  Who drove you to that site?  What's in that juicy juice?    How can I get some?'


Somethings just can't be overlooked  ;)  ;)

( ahhh kay, I can't seem to find 25 cents for turning da page?
do you have a quarter, I could borrow?  "I'd gladly pay you Tuesday for a quarter today")

« Last Edit: November 10, 2008, 03:56:01 PM by fred »

Offline kay

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2551 on: November 11, 2008, 04:48:07 AM »

Hmmmmmmmmmmm I have no idea fred?? *scratches my head*
All I can remember is drinking some juicy juice....and wa la....*looks your way*
It wasn't the juice box....and it wasn't the was the bottle!
*puts my thinking cap on*

fred??  fred?!?!  lol

*tosses you a quarter* for turning da page.  Hmmmmmmm I remember you asking for a quarter.....was that last week?  AND saying you would gladly pay me Tuesday for a quarter today.....laughs
Well guess what fred?  It's up buddy *taps my foot*  ;)

Offline kay

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2552 on: November 11, 2008, 05:26:26 AM »

Happy Veteran's Day!

Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2553 on: November 11, 2008, 12:52:18 PM »
kay, kay, kay ! ! !

There........... I said your name 3 times, times 25 cents/each  = $0.75

okay?  ooops another 25 cents?


everytime I say your name............ I give you 25 cents, is that okay with you kay?  that should make you feel good too?

another 2 coins?


now the letter "k" isn't the same as kay; or is the same as two (2) coins?


Offline kay

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2554 on: November 12, 2008, 05:14:19 AM »

Cha ching fred!!!
*sings: I'm in da money* and *sings:  Money money money*

*grabs all the quarters* and puts them in my pocket *beams*

*k* is kay....two (2) coins please  ;D

What am I gonna do with all these quarters fred??

Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2555 on: November 12, 2008, 02:29:27 PM »
now it's the time to celebrate, celebrate, dance to the music, celebrate......
celebrating kay's
                          milestone on 'da board, da board' posting!

        has just completed her 1001th post ! ! !

hip hip hooray..........   kay has made the day

who would of thought...........? ? ?  that she could of written 1001 posts?  the woman of few words...........( lol )  but the woman who always gets her oneupmanship, on fred, in her carefully, crafted words in her posts............ in the least amount of words.

congrats about IT?  one more post for your endearing audience............

« Last Edit: November 13, 2008, 04:53:03 AM by fred »

Offline kay

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2556 on: November 13, 2008, 04:50:59 AM »

Woo hoo fred ^5!  I've got a pocketful of quarters.  Let's plan a party....laughs

1001th posts??  Only you would recognize that
But what I am recognizing is your 1287 posts.  Now that is a goal I am working towards ;)
AND they say women talk a lot?? I think NOT!  Well maybe you just have more to say....since I am kinda quiet and  ~hugs~

::)  I can' believe I am rolling eyes at  8)

Offline Texas Sunshine

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2557 on: November 13, 2008, 06:40:52 AM »
Hi there, you two!  *slips a quarter in the jar just because..*  I thought I would slip in and say hi now that I am getting my brain back a bit.  I am actually getting some sleep now.  Whew.  The baby is growing and smiling, and...

   Guess what!  I am going to be a Grandma!!  Yippeeeeeee!!!!!  Alyssa will be an aunt at 9 1/2 mos old!  hahaha.. whoever said my family was normal??  My daughter in law is on cloud nine, and I think my son is terrified.  I love it.
Learn from the mistakes of others. You won't live long enough to make all of them yourself.

Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2558 on: November 13, 2008, 11:57:49 AM »
look at it this way?

~TS's~ 'to_be' granddaughter/son was almost older that her daughter/little Alyssa?  or the niece/nephew would be older that the aunt?   

SOMETHING............. just doesn't, sound right there? 

? ? ? her mother' daughter daughter/ aunt by marraige, twice removed, related by daughter_in_law's (soon to be child) is somehow related by.........................(who_knows_how)? ? ?
                                     Just tell them "they are ALL adopted"..........., that makes more sense............. right, kay?

kay............. glad we don't have try and figure out and draw her family's tree.  It would seem to me, that some of her samplings have divided and grown up from the main root .............or............ instead of a family tree, ~TS~ has a family forest?

at least their trunks are straight & true
« Last Edit: November 13, 2008, 12:06:43 PM by fred »

Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2559 on: November 14, 2008, 04:51:40 AM »
~please be safe, this weekend~

Always to remember to be cautiously alert and take your time

Offline kay

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2560 on: November 14, 2008, 04:54:33 AM »

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no fair Texas Sunshine *taps my foot* and *pouts a bit*

Kidding aside....I am happy for you TS!  *hugs*  Congratulations!!!  That Yippeeeeeeeeeeee said it all ;)
Glad to hear that you are getting some sleep.  How does one even function without sleep?  You will be back to normal any day...but then again what is normal as you pointed out?  lol

fred...*nudges you*  are you normal there?  lol   Not me!  lol
Whaddya think TS?  lol
fred...quit while you are ahead in figuring out what you were trying to figure out there....laughs

Offline kay

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2561 on: November 14, 2008, 04:55:31 AM »

Thanks fred....will do ~hugs~

Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2562 on: November 14, 2008, 06:01:10 PM »
hmmmmmmmmm kay?

don't I look and act normal?


oh kay.............. I have an itch on my big toe, do you mind scratching it for me?

Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2563 on: November 15, 2008, 05:56:36 AM »
kay................. I am now quoting excerpts from fred's third (3rd) book entitled: 'Normalcy, you too can be'  verse 37:21

      "Behold!............By focusing on the Present, what Is Right, right now; and using our positive feelings to purposely respond to what is important right now: we (you and I) can become happy.
For then I say unto thy: The past and the future depend on: The now.  GO be happy and multiply!"[/i](kinda zen_like?)

Does that sound abnormal?  even abovenormal, (especially the mathematical portion?)       

kay, the itch please............

Offline kay

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #2564 on: November 17, 2008, 05:48:27 AM »

Oh for crying out loud....which big toe....left or right?  ::)  lol

Normal is as normal gets.  Now what is up with the multiply?? *looks over*
I am very good at the multiplication