Author Topic: da board, da board, kay  (Read 629670 times)

Offline kay

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #4125 on: November 28, 2011, 04:21:29 AM »

Anytime fred....anytime!  *looks over*  ;D

Can I hear another ka_ching?

It sure has a nice sound to it when YOU do it!  lol

A great holiday was had here.  I hope you had the same my friend!

Now now what is this nonsense about, what goes around comes around?  You seem to be talking in circles fred.....laughs

Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #4126 on: November 28, 2011, 06:40:29 AM »
Oh kay..........

                  Sorry to inform you that YOU have 'turned da page'   (ha ha)?
                                    read 'em and weep...........
Please to remit 25 cents

NOW who's talking in circles?   what, what what? ? ?

                       (look @ the circles, circling)
again, 25 cents please!

Offline kay

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #4127 on: November 29, 2011, 04:15:48 AM »

*mumbles and grumbles*

I kindly remit 25 cents!   ::)   laughing


I sure like hearing your ka_ching much better fred *looks over*   :-\

OH OH and please stop the madness with the circles....oh my.....that is a headache waiting to happen *trying to focus my eyes here*  lol

Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #4128 on: November 29, 2011, 06:22:47 AM »

                what goes around, went around....... and around ...................
 and around                                                                                (PLEASE: to stop the circles)

Okay............... back to normalcy?

                  ah kay?  what is normal around here?




    4)    None of the above.

This is a multiple choice quiz. Please to pick ONE from the above:

Offline kay

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #4129 on: November 30, 2011, 04:14:10 AM »

Hmmmmmmmmm let me two....buckle my shoe....three four....shut the door....I will pick 4).

So do I win anything fred??  *looks around*

You my friend are clever.  *mumbles deleting a post*  YOU just wait!  ;)  lol

Have a good day!  Enjoy the cold, wind and rain!  ugh!

Hey it sounds like a wind and fire....laughs

Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #4130 on: November 30, 2011, 06:51:43 AM »
Oh kay.......

               I am sorry to inform you, that you got the multiple choice question wrong  :(

NO Prize......... but ? ? ?    you have won the opportunity to:
                sit right down and write a letter:  to SANTA fred !


Yes............. it is that time again, to let dear old SANTA fred know what you would like for Xmas his year.  HO HO HO ! ! !


*pssssssssssssssssst*  Make it a multiple choice answer.

Offline kay

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #4131 on: December 01, 2011, 04:24:05 AM »

Wrong?!?  sighs

*nudges SANTA fred

*puts on my thinking cap*

Let me think on this....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

SANTA fred?

Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #4132 on: December 01, 2011, 06:35:45 AM »

          Maybe we should get you a new 1) thinking cap


     That one is exposing, too much, of your precious grey matter.

           maybe something in a  2) yellow?


           or maybe in a 3) blue?


                   4) None of the above

Offline kay

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #4133 on: December 02, 2011, 04:15:54 AM »

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm let's think this one through......

One two....buckle my shoe....three four....shut the door.....

I pick 3) blue!

Now do I win anything fred??  *looks around*   ;D

Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #4134 on: December 02, 2011, 06:40:44 PM »
"we are happy to inform that you, that have WON!!!!"

3) is the correct answer and we have a prize specially selected for YOU.

              a blue hat to match your baby blues


NOW............ what do you like for Xmas?  (and I know you have two front teeth, again)


                  maybe then, a gift to charity?

Offline kay

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #4135 on: December 05, 2011, 04:19:46 AM »

YAY!!!  *jumps up and down*  Thanks!  I love my new blue hat.  That should keep me warm this winter!  ;D

What would you like for Christmas fred?  I honestly can't think of anything materialistic, so a gift to charity would be great.  I already got my gifts for the 'angel tree' and took it to church this weekend.

Hey my new blue hat can serve as a new thinking cap too?  Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe if I think hard enough, the ears will raise up?  lol


Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #4136 on: December 05, 2011, 06:42:22 AM »
and what does SANTA fred want for Xmas?

  Why that's easy.....................


Peace on earth and goodwill to'all men, woman and child !
                 also to remember MOTHER EARTH in her time of need
                             of staying clean....


Offline kay

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #4137 on: December 06, 2011, 04:12:33 AM »

*sings*  Santa baby!   ;D

Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #4138 on: December 06, 2011, 09:46:30 AM »
            Your singing is Music to my ears

NOW...... MY little elf kay,  have you been naughty or nice?


Offline fred

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Re: da board, da board, kay
« Reply #4139 on: December 06, 2011, 09:58:13 AM »
oh what the heck!

                          you have always been nice to santa fred:

Here's a present especially chosen by santa fred for his favourite little elf --  kay: