Author Topic: need iso advice  (Read 1195 times)

Offline Medi

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need iso advice
« on: June 10, 2009, 06:19:38 PM »
family, i have spent a lot of time trying to cure my technical problems.  we use 'Hughes.Net', with our satellite system.  it provides downloading capability of 650-1000 kb/sec...but we can only download 375 mb in a 24 hour period.  if that is exceeded, then we are penalized for 24 hrs...the downloading slows to where i can't chat.  and, it is a 'rolling penalty', that continues if i try to chat during the penalty phase.  (sounds like another wonderful idea by our government).  the local phone service can provide a 'dial up' service, that has unlimited downloads, but will only download at 56 kb/sec.  is that fast enough to be able to chat?  we are still looking into other services.  any guidance would be appreciated.

Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: need iso advice
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2009, 07:05:05 PM »
I chatted here for years with a 56k modem. I used to get bounced every six or eight hours and had to reconnect.... but I had no problem chatting. It does run slower... but in some ways it is more reliable than cable or satellite.

So you may give up a bit of speed for reliability as I did. But I managed just fine even in timed combat.

Where you will notice it the most is on youtube type places and streaming videos. Sometimes you get lucky and it works fine.... sometimes you end up timing out before it loads.

Offline ameeshia{B}

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Re: need iso advice
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2009, 07:06:26 PM »
Have you been making sure you have pics off when you chat? Each time someones av shows in the room for you it will pull bandwidth to download to you. This is one issue that we had years ago when many had dial up many av sizes were enforced to not slow and disrupt the flow of chat. So this would apply to if you start using a dial up connection as well as if you are trying to keep your bandwidth down.

When these chats first opened there was no cable access. I used dial up in them for many years.. though I would not suggest doing so if you are chatting and can view others' avs.

It takes a LOT to equal 375mb. For example I just looked at my itunes folder and that is 4 hours of music through randomly selected songs.

So 375mb is similar to 4 hours of streaming music or radio to give you an idea what kind of usage. Chat alone should in NO way cause this kind of drain within 24 hours.

Feel free to send me a pm on the boards with more specific details.


PS (added as Ragnar posted when I did) Yes.. watching Youtube or some other streaming video over and over for long periods would cause the kind of usage as well same as downloading music and videos but more to an extreme as I said 4 hours of music.

Reference for movies: My itunes average for videos and movies is aprox 2.1mb per minute.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2009, 07:13:45 PM by ameeshia »

Offline Taryn

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Re: need iso advice
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2009, 07:37:16 PM »
Until we moved to the hotel we were using dial up, and every 8 hours or so we would have to redial to get back online, and had no issues, as I normally don't run with pics on anyways... You can also use a router and share the connection as well, though that speed will be cut in half, it does work and for a time that is what Ray and I were doing...

As mentioned by Rags and ameeshia, going to or any other site that provides videos or even flash games will take awhile to load and more than likely will time out because the connection is too slow... But we all lived with dial up when the "internet" first came about, and it's still around as it's a viable way to get on line when everything else is not available in your area..

Also, if you go through the boards to either read through things, or post, all those pics and avatars that you see have to be downloaded, thus being added to your "allotment" as well as ads on other sites you go to... ~smiles~

Offline Medi

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Re: need iso advice
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2009, 10:26:04 PM »
thank You, Mistress, and thank you, ameeshia.  i have been keeping my av function off, lately, but have been guilty of looking at 'youtube' a lot before coming into camp.  'sigh'.  things were nice as long as my husband wasn't working so much from home.   so, this girl will change her habits.  the 'av' will be kept off, and she will stop posting so much on the boards with the 'word association' game, and others, and just seeing what was going on.  she will keep her board watching to the Tuchuk Camp information, and will not watch 'youtube' on this computer very often.  giggles   i can stay late at work and use the firm machine for that.  hopefully this will work, and i will be  able to stay on whenever i am available between 7:00 to 12:00 pst.  this girl really wants to be an active participant whenever she has the time.

be well, Mistress, this girl does think of You quite often, with nice thoughts, and does thank You, very much.

amanda, the barbarian
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle

Offline Taryn

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Re: need iso advice
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2009, 11:11:18 PM »
Actually, if you can browse the boards from your work, you can still go through the boards and do the other posts of "word association" and other games on these boards... ~smiles~ at least then you can enjoy some of the other things that are going on here, as well as looking at the fun threads on the home boards as well, such as the mini-me and a little laugh thread, as those tend to have either links to Youtube, or pictures, which are at times rather large and will take up your allowance from your ISO...

Just a few ideas that could help you out as well... ~smiles~

Offline ameeshia{B}

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Re: need iso advice
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2009, 04:31:42 AM »
Files sent to and from the office and or customers can be huge with attachments if they were scanned in papers or extremely large workbooks and presentations.

This alone may limit what you have left. With someone working at home I would start looking at a more reliable service that meets your download needs, or call the provider and ask if there are higher usage bandwidth packages and what their cost are. You would not want to mention you are doing so because the service is being used for business purposes (that is a whole other mess at times).

The reason you want to do this is not just because of chat it would be a shame if there was a problem and he could not get out or receive something important.

BTW.. my inlaws were on dial up until last year (they hate change). The only issues they had were long load times long download times.. not good for your husbands work. but would ok in a pinch to use for surfing message boards and chat.

thank You, Mistress, and thank you, ameeshia.  i have been keeping my av function off, lately, but have been guilty of looking at 'youtube' a lot before coming into camp.  'sigh'.  things were nice as long as my husband wasn't working so much from home.   so, this girl will change her habits.  the 'av' will be kept off, and she will stop posting so much on the boards with the 'word association' game, and others, and just seeing what was going on.  she will keep her board watching to the Tuchuk Camp information, and will not watch 'youtube' on this computer very often.  giggles   i can stay late at work and use the firm machine for that.  hopefully this will work, and i will be  able to stay on whenever i am available between 7:00 to 12:00 pst.  this girl really wants to be an active participant whenever she has the time.

be well, Mistress, this girl does think of You quite often, with nice thoughts, and does thank You, very much.

amanda, the barbarian
« Last Edit: June 11, 2009, 04:34:38 AM by ameeshia »