Author Topic: Something on my mind  (Read 2055 times)

Offline Alex

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Something on my mind
« on: July 15, 2009, 07:16:21 PM »
I have been watching an learning in this room for quite sometime, and something has always puzzled me. it makes me wonder why this thing keeps on going and keeps coming up in  so many way, yet it rears its ugly head and appears at great untimely manners. And I will say I try to keep quiet for one simple reason. It is the very reason I shut up listen and know my place when Ragnar, Raziel, any commanding Officer or council etc address me IC. Why is it that in all of this room that we have structure, we have clans, we have elders, and we have members, there is a chain of command in almost every aspect of the room EXCEPT when dealing with a simple slave. Why is it that on the subject of proper serving proper conduct, that everyone becomes an expert? Do we not have Coordinators that are there to handle this job? Yes we do, then why is it that we as members and roleplayers get in the way of these fine members doing there job.

Put yourself in these shoes. Your a simple candlemaker and you see an apprentice Bowyer doing something that is wrong with his clan work. In no way are you an expert, are any of you going to correct that Apprentice when its Clearly Raziels Clan? Not if you value your life.

So it boggles my mind when a slave a thrall is doing something wrong, inproper, we all spring to life and suddenly are brainiacs that know everything about slave thralls and there conduct. Sorry Taryn Im going to use you as an example... kritine, a simple slave, a new slave, wasnt all that bad, has her character fall off a wagon and die for the simple fact of Taryn is filling her pm with what a slave is supposed to do. Now Taryn knows way more than I on Slaves and the books, but try being the slave and hearing so many different ways of doing this one simple thing, So many different ways to please there Masters and Mistresses. So many ways of one moment being told to do the same task this way and the next moment different Master tells them to do it another way?

How are we creating a great enviroment in Rp for, In my opinion one of the hardest postions and characters to do.. a Slave... Familure I love lure to death but that women has taught me more gave me more websites, more information correcting me on any little thing  that I may make of use so that  I become a better Roleplayer in this room. They have a hard positon to do learn, they are the Customer service people of Tuchuk that have to please everyone.

Some days they may be great, some days they may screw up. But what gives us the right to think we know better that the very Slave coordination team that is teaching them, that spends there own personal hours testing the slaves and thralls so that we may have a more lifelike Roleplay enviroment? we should get the hell out of the way, let the clan members do there work and shut the hell up about anything else...We all have our places and we should know them By now.. this is the finest room on the realms for Gor  pure and simple... So why is it that sometimes we forget the simple rule, its a universal rule for roleplay and I think we all maybe need to think of it a little more with Slaves Thralls and all of us..

Theres another person on the other side of that screen, So in the end try to respect that

well thats it for me..
bye bye!

Offline Amber

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Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2009, 07:30:51 PM »
For point of clarification.. krytine was NOT as good a slave as you are touting.  She thought she knew everything and had the gall to tell me I was wrong when I told her that we do not use wood for fuel, and wouldn't chop up a wagon for fuel when our dung wagon caught fire that one time. 

Yes.. Taryn went and corrected her on the use of salt for a "hot water bottle" to be used to warm her butt up.  Because I SENT her to do such a thing.  Because I was busy in character doing something else during the course of Migration, Taryn was not busy at the time, and I sent her, and she said exactly the same thing I would have said.. Krytine didn't kill herself under a wagon.. she threw a hissy fit in OOC and walked out.. Ubar declared her a run away and having died out on the cold plains with no food, no water, and no way to stay warm.

I understand where you are coming from, I really do, but your points are way off.


Offline Alex

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Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2009, 07:33:22 PM »
For point of clarification.. krytine was NOT as good a slave as you are touting.  She thought she knew everything and had the gall to tell me I was wrong when I told her that we do not use wood for fuel, and wouldn't chop up a wagon for fuel when our dung wagon caught fire that one time. 

Yes.. Taryn went and corrected her on the use of salt for a "hot water bottle" to be used to warm her butt up.  Because I SENT her to do such a thing.  Because I was busy in character doing something else during the course of Migration, Taryn was not busy at the time, and I sent her, and she said exactly the same thing I would have said.. Krytine didn't kill herself under a wagon.. she threw a hissy fit in OOC and walked out.. Ubar declared her a run away and having died out on the cold plains with no food, no water, and no way to stay warm.

I understand where you are coming from, I really do, but your points are way off.


said she wasnt bad.. ive saw worse lol
bye bye!

Offline Fishy!

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Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2009, 08:32:47 PM »
I think its unfair to use Krytine as an example... because we all have diffreent opionions -nods lots-

But I do think youre right... I would use risky as an example but that is unfair too... everyone tried to help her...

so Yes there are coordinators... and they arent always available... and alot of Frees try to help... I know if I need to I try to help, correct things that I see need correcting... BUT normally when im correcting something Im copying right from a posting on the boards or from the webpages themselves...

I see no problem with a free (whos not a Cord.) helping.. but Ive seen alot of slaves given the wrong info, only to be bothered about it again later on down the road....

so if you know your shit.... go ahead and help out when a slave needs it.... but if you dont... leave it the hell alone

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Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2009, 09:38:52 PM »
Some days they may be great, some days they may screw up. But what gives us the right to think we know better that the very Slave coordination team that is teaching them, that spends there own personal hours testing the slaves and thralls so that we may have a more lifelike Roleplay enviroment? we should get the hell out of the way, let the clan members do there work and shut the hell up about anything else...We all have our places and we should know them By now.. this is the finest room on the realms for Gor  pure and simple... So why is it that sometimes we forget the simple rule, its a universal rule for roleplay and I think we all maybe need to think of it a little more with Slaves Thralls and all of us..

Clearly that is the key isnt it?  Teaching, testing, refining, guiding.  But you can only do so much with what you are handed and sometimes, it is up to others to pick up the slack.  Perhaps, if some think on what I just said, it will become abundantly clear what I just meant.


Offline Shadow duck

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Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2009, 01:29:00 AM »
just a few words from my own point of view.. as I am very seldom on I have requested many times to be removed from the roster of assistant trainer but the powers that be have decreeded that is not to be... as chanz is one of the few still around from a ways back... *** sucker for punishment i guess or just like to cause mayhem... grins***.. anyway when I am available to be on and dressed sometimes in ooc to which i keep it in pm i have an do continue to help those that request my help as a slave to the best of my knowledge I am not perfect by any part of the word.. I make mistakes as I am normal female slave .. yes sometimes it is to get noticed sometimes it is because i forgot an yes sometimes is because i just didn't know ... but that bein said I know the time an effort that was put into my own trainin by the team and I know that those that are here still do tend to know what it is that makes for a good slave I have questioned before somethings just so I can learn what to teach others not to do... but some are posing as slaves when infact they are only here for one reason they seek a fur... as I was told once these are part of the gamin packs that seem to arrive from time to time.. anyway I ramble just my two coppers worth sorry for the intrustion just thought i would add something to this from a slaves point of view.. on an as to lure bein the one to ask aye lure or kadi or flame or woobie.. i find that i too have had to seek them out for answers.... when i needs.. and yes even dil.... my brother.... is a wealth of knowledge and I am grateful to all that assist when called upon..

duckie rules

Offline flame{NS}

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Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2009, 09:07:06 AM »
 i am willing to help anyone that needs help .. i know i have not been in much but that is going to change... i know that my sisters and brothers does help for i have had questions from time to time that they have explain to me....i do try to work with everyone when i am in camp... just wanted to say thank you for everyones help see you soon in camp

da flame
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Offline razz|n.o.i.r

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Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2009, 09:21:40 AM »
Live and learn. But be sure to 'learn'. Or remain the same forever...-purses lips, ponders, nods-..yea thats it.
S I l v e r . & . C o l d
Sarant'satsral Onyxbane

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Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2009, 02:47:32 PM »
As just one member of the training team and speaking only for myself, I have no problem with anyone, free or slave, helping other people (whether they are free or slave), but make sure you know what you are talking about. 

That seems to be a real problem at times. 

I encourage anyone who wants to help.  Heck, come see me, Sid or Amber and we will mock test you through the levels if you are truly wanting to help us out and are curious as to how much you know.



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Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2009, 03:03:08 PM » just gotta help yourself. there is only so much you can 'study' or be instructed on how to do. the rules are written in a language that everyone should be able to understand but there are book smarts and there are street smarts. the Tuchuk way of life, be it Free or slave, really is no different. some concepts are easy to grasp, while others take years of experience to understand, and sadly some might remain out of reach no matter how much you try.

i personally don't think r/p'ing a slave is the hardest character to have. i can't (and don't want) to imagine the struggle i would have r/p'ing a FW.  either be 'yourself' or truly open yourself up to the Tuchuk person you wish to experience/experiment with. i understand everyone comes to Tuchuk for a different reason,  yet i can't wrap my head around wanting to be in, or to cause, constant conflict. the ST does a wonderful job in creating chaos, and while the Camp may realistically experience continuous hardships, on a personal level, how much fun or fulfilling can it be, to never be in harmony with either yourself, others, or both?

the emerging experts don't bother me as i answer to almost everyone. Clan work constantly overlaps and i would think the Training 'team' would be no different. not everyone wants the responsibility of personally owning a non-npc slave but shouldn't everyone want what is best for Tuchuk which might include the camp slaves? your actions and reactions effect everyone around you, perhaps more than they should sometimes but we have a Tuchuk family most of us would defend to the death in a r/p battle and on the board until blue in the face and it's hurtful to hear 'i don't care', in either those exact words, by action, or lack of.

some Free and slaves are truly a wealth of knowledge yet i don't feel they should be a complete substitute for learning something yourself. the tests on the webpages have very little exclusive to slavery. i wonder how many Free could pass the tests? Tuchuk knowledge is Tuchuk knowledge. like anything else, it comes down to choices, wants and needs. how lifeless it would be without the wicked sense of humor of some here yet the investment of hard work is vital for your character/self and Camp to evolve. 'Tuchuk never leaves anyone behind' but some of you chose to hold yourselves back.

Tuchuk thrives by the constant efforts of some and the occasional efforts of others. rare is the person whom can give 100% all of the time, though some will still try to. i give my sincere thanks to those whom chose to bring 'it' every time they walk into that room. to us all, i leave these rhetoric questions...

what are you willing to do for Tuchuk?... what are you willing to do for yourself?... for another?

the answer may be found deep inside of you and will show in your r/p
« Last Edit: July 16, 2009, 03:31:40 PM by kiah{MTC} »