Some just fail to grasp why I would get angry when people leave Tuchuk. Its really rather simple.
It is NOT their leaving that irritates me. As I have said before.... Tuchuk is only as strong as its weakest member. And yes... even slaves are members of our family.
None are forced to join Tuchuk. We do not practise the forced collaring of slaves to swell our numbers. We only desire those in our family who really wish to be part of something larger than themselves.
We may role play the forced collaring of a slave here and there, but that is how theslave wishes to be indoctrinated into our home. They are never truly forced.
Free as well as slaves come to us willingly to become part of Tuchuk.
Why can they not leave the same way?
Alot of time and effort is put into collaring, teaching, testing, and working with slaves to help them grow. But then one fine day they just vanish... only to usually be discovered in another home under a new name and collar. There was no role play of even running away. Just poofed. What a useless waste. And if a slave does this once.... the likelihood of them repeating it again grows each time. The amusing part is the Master or Mistress who now has them really feels they got a bargain or think they pulled something off.
Free must come to us and petition for membership. They have stages they go through before becoming a full member. Once a full member it is simple to leave if they are a member in good standing. I do not mean an everynight role player or anything like that.... I mean a free who has not gotten in trouble and needs to bail before they face the consequences of their actions.
If you do not wish to be in Tuchuk.... and you are not in trouble... simply come and speak with me. Its easy. You spoke with me when becoming a family member, speak with me before you leave us. There is no reason to run or vanish.... or to post on a wall you are leaving and just vanish.
You are supposed to be an adult. Not some snivelling child unable to face the responsibilities of their own actions.
If you do not wish to be part of Tuchuk.... please... do come see me about leaving. We do not wish you in our family. You become a weak link.
We seek only those who wish to be part of our family.
I dislike freeing slaves. I would rather sell them.... gift them... even barter them away. There is no need to run and it maintains good role play.
Free can leave on very good terms, be welcome back to visit, can still be welcome at our rt gathering, etc. Just come and see me.
Its really not that tough a concept to grasp unless you are a total idiot without any upbringing or sense of integrity or responsibility for your own actions.
As for the role play aspect of things.... We are a wagon camp in the middle of the Southern Plains. Hello... that means we are in Bumfuck Fungarunga. Days away from anyone else or anything close to safety. People wish to know how I can rule people dead when they just post they are leaving or come in drop tags and click leave or the "x".
See above. YOU ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF BUMFUCK FUNGARUNGA!!! You role played taking nothing with you. No food, no water, no mount, no weapons, nothing. When you pop in sans codes as only a name with no tags or anything, YOU ARE NAKED!!!
You WILL NOT SURVIVE the days of travel on foot facing all the critters of the plains that like to eat you. You may make it to Turia without food, but good luck making it there without water considering we are two or three days away by kaiila. You are on foot... and a good two to three days away from a water source. You would be in trouble. It is hot. Middle of the hot season. Naked. Unarmed. Think about it.
And facing all of that comes AFTER you play superhero and slip through a huge camp unseen.... past the perimeter guards AND SLEEN undetected.... past the patrols undetected... through the herds without even so much as causing one to moo... and avoiding the herd sleen.
After all that... do you really think Turia would just let you walk in? Hello...!!! Collar time. Even a passing caravan would collar you.
Bottom line is this just would not happen.
Use some brains if you have any. Come speak with me. Take your property when you leave... your mount, your wagon if it was yours. Leave on good terms and intelligently.
It really is not rocket science.