Two wagons were parked in the main area, trophies of a long range patrol covering many days.
One wagon is loaded almost to overflow with everything nonperishable from bolts of silks and cloths to a couple tarn saddles and tack. I would ask this wagon be unloaded and a list of goods made so we know what has been gained. It appears it was a resupply or a merchant carrying many goods and not specialising in any one item. There are two wagons packed into this one as it is one of four wagons taken. One wagon was left behind loaded with tharlarian tack and saddles. One wagon broke an axle and its contents were quickly loaded into this one. It will likely take a couple days to offload and inventory.
The second wagon is a large heavy wagon resembling a kennel wagon as it has bars in a cage shape covered by the wagon exterior. We were able to break open the door but were unable to break open an extremely heavy iron box within. Even myself, and three other Warriors were unable to lift it. We could only slide it across the wagon platform. I believe it to be a Caste wagon of Bankers or lenders, as it is filled with parchments and scrolls of accounting, as well as counting devices and weighing devices. No keys were found among the dead and we wasted no time looking through the wagon too closely. We just brought it all with us.
We hammered on that chest with everything we had at our disposal including my axe, but it held firm. The hinges are mostly internal except for just a fine glimpse of the hinge between lid and bottom box. Good thick plate with heavy rivets and banding around it. The lock is not of padlock design. It too is an interior lock with only the keyhole really for access. Even the rivets have been hammered flatter so my axe would not even get a bite to sheer those off.