I took inventory of supplies from Turia after having read of the devastation from the storm and fire. This is what is left.
Kaiila Clan needs
5 crates each ( each crate weighing 3 gorean stone)
Moss Paste
wrapping gaughs
10 Talu Of Enzyme
4 crates (each crate weighing 1 gorean stone)
Viles and Syringes
1 Short New Syringes
3 Medium New Syringes
1 Large New Syringes
5 crates (each crate weighing 2 Goean stone)
healing Salve
11 crates (each crate weighing 4 stone)
Claw files
Paw Picks
FOODS- perishable - fruits
Item Unit Amount
Larma Case 10
Ramberry Case 8
Ta-grape Case 18
Tospit Case 10
Dates Case 8
Melons Case 10
Plums Case 8
Pit Fruit Case 8
FOODS- perishable - vegetables
Item Unit Amount
Ketch Crate 10
Kort Crate 10
Kes Crate 15
Suls 2 gws 18
Onions 2 gws 20
Mushrooms 1 gws 25
FOODS – non-perishable
Item Unit Amount
Sa-tarna flour Barrel 20
White sugar Sack/tin 50
Yellow sugar Sack/tin 50
Thalarian oil gwb 75
Salt Stone bag 5
Honey (100jars/crate) 5lb jar 2 crates
Cinnamon tefa 30 Huda
Nutmeg tefa 20 Huda
Peppermint tefa 25 Huda
Vinegar Cask 10
Dried Fruits Crate/sack 5 crates/2 sacks
Dried Bosk Strips crate 2 crates
Candy bag 4 stone
DRINKS- alcholic
Item Unit Amount
Palm wine 20 bottles/case 2 cases
Ta-Wine 20 bottles/case 3 cases
Cosian wine 20 bottles/case 3 cases
Turian Wine 20 bottles/case 5 cases
Mead 20 bottles/case 3 cases
Rence beer 20 bottles/case 3 cases
Sul-paga 20 bottles/case 5 cases
DRINKS – non-alcoholic
Item Unit Amount
Larma juice 20 bottles/case 3 cases
Ramberry juice 20 bottles/case 3 cases
Ta-Grape juice 20 bottles/case 3 cases
Bazi Tea Box 20
Water barrel 40
Item Unit Amount
General Grain 2 gws 24
Mixed Vulo Grain 2 gws 28
SPECIAL REQUESTS (not already added to clan lists)
Terran's request - Two quarterstaves, a small length of red string, some glue, and alot of rubber tubing.
Bosk Clan Supplies
17 Medium crates each
File Rasps
Hoov Knives
Hoov Pads
Large Bells For Horns
Halters of Premium Leather
10 Large Crates Each
Large Feeding Bottles With nipples
Hoov Cleaners
Hide Scrapers(5 crates wide 5 crates small scrapers)
Large Nose Rings(Premium Iron)
Medium Nose Rings(Premium Iron)
10 cases
Bosk Scour Garlic..
Heavy Injection Needles
16 Talu
Cut salve
Heal Salve
1.5 Bags of one stone weight each of black pepper
8 crates of bluegrass
13 of agrimony
25 crates of willowbark
5 cases of 25 vials each of valerian
67 rolls of medical tape
100 i.v. bottles
100 yards of i.v. tubing
50 spools of silk stitching thread
50 of the bosk gut
25 cases of needles varying from curved to straight.
10 bolts of rep cloth for bandages
5 crates of 100 vials of antibiotics
Rope Makers Clan Supplies
Daigons Request
5 bolts of Premium Quality Leather
5 large crates Skinning Knives(200 per crate)
75 rolls of Twine
Sarants Hunter Clan Needs
5 stone bags of salt
Yeast Barrel 30
Grains ** Sack 20
Hops Sack 20
Suls 2 gws 5
Honey (100 jars/crate) Crate 3
Cinnamon tefa 10 Huda
Ginger tefa 10 Huda
Chamomile tefa 10 Huda
Rosemary tefa 10 Huda
Mint tefa 10 Huda
Ta-grapes Case 5
Ramberries Case 5
Tospits Case 5
Ka-la-na Case 5
Larmas Case 2
If it is noted, there are some items in red...I shall explain as politely as possible.
Dried bosk strips...I was shocked at this purchase. Has no one look around camp? See, there are these long horned four legged cattle like creatures eating the grasses of the plains that we happen to follow every migration...they are called bosk. If you actualy had to purchase "jerky"/dried bosk strips, then you need medication.
Bazi Tea...When was the last time anyone in camp had bazi tea? I can answer this one actually.
Water...must be a brand name of water...better than that spring fed stuff from the spring fed lake. Tabuk Park. That's good water.
Length of red string...Terran, I think your FC might be pissed at you if you had to ask for red string and she didnt have any. You lost your single tospit. No tospit for you...yours...gone.
Some glue...No, really? Glue is made in camp...just for your information...bosk hoof glue.
All this Premium Leather...Im a bit dumbfounded. I know I mentioned bosk already. Hunters Clan can fell Tabuk, tarsk, tumit...is there a specific type of leather that is unknown to Tuchuk that Tuchuk MUST have in order to fashion something special that Tuchuk uses on a daily basis but cannot be made from the mother of Tuchuk? I dont know, I was just wondering.
From speaking to those on the journey back, seems that everything was just shoved into the wagons and stacked in no order because it had started to drizzle and Sidona was already overwhelmed by all the merchants trying to get their delivery orders signed off and their slaves helped the Tuchuk slaves to simply load. No one monitored what was loaded where. So, perishables were loaded with non-perishables and alcohol. Clan needs were loaded with camp needs etc. Thus why there is so much missing as most of it went up in flames when the first freighter wagon caught on fire.
As well, since animal feed/grain was lost, the surviving grains for the Vitners clan, will have to be sacrificed for the animals. The livestock come before alcohol.
Thanks to Wapike and T'gol, what was salvageable from the two wagons that sustained damaged were accounted for. Unfortunately, the cocoa powder, black wine beans and the such were lost as well. As of now, there are no blackwine beans in camp.