FOODS- perishable - fruits
Item Unit Amount
Larma Case 20
Ramberry Case 20
Ta-grape Case 20
Peaches Case 15
Red fruit Case 15
Tospit Case 15
Apricots Case 10
Cherries Case 10
Dates Case 8
Melons Case 10
Pears Case 8
Plums Case 8
Pit Fruit Case 8
FOODS- perishable - vegetables
Item Unit Amount
Ketch Crate 10
Kort Crate 10
Kes Crate 15
Suls 2 gws 30
Onions 2 gws 30
Peppers- green 2 gws 30
Peppers -red 2 gws 30
Peas 1 gws 25
Corn 1 gws 25
Carrots 1 gws 25
Mushrooms 1 gws 25
FOODS – non-perishable
Item Unit Amount
Sa-tarna flour Barrel 20
White sugar Sack/tin 50
Yellow sugar Sack/tin 50
Thalarian oil gwb 75
Salt Stone bag 25
Cornmeal Sack 50
Bran Sack 50
Yeast barrel 20
Lentil beans sack 30
Olives - red crate 10
Honey (100jars/crate) 5lb jar 2 crates
Cinnamon tefa 40 Huda
Nutmeg tefa 40 Huda
Garlic Cloves Sack 30 sacks
Sesame Seeds tefa 50 Huda
Carraway seeds tefa 50 Huda
Savory tefa 35 Huda
Pepper cask 20
Basil tefa 40 Huda
Peppermint tefa 25 Huda
Corn kernels sack 20
Vinegar Cask 10
Dried Fruits Crate/sack 5 crates/2 sacks
Mixed Nuts Sack 30
Beeswax jar 1 crate (100 jars)
Dried Bosk Strips crate 2 crates
Candy bag 10 stone
DRINKS- alcholic
Item Unit Amount
Palm wine 20 bottles/case 3 cases
Ta-Wine 20 bottles/case 3 cases
Cosian wine 20 bottles/case 3 cases
Turian Wine 20 bottles/case 5 cases
Mead 20 bottles/case 3 cases
Ale barrel 10
Paga 20 bottles/case 10 cases
Rence beer 20 bottles/case 3 cases
Sul-paga 20 bottles/case 5 cases
Rum 20 bottles/case 3 cases
DRINKS – non-alcoholic
Item Unit Amount
Larma juice 20 bottles/case 3 cases
Ramberry juice 20 bottles/case 3 cases
Ta-Grape juice 20 bottles/case 3 cases
Blackwine powder gws 10
Blackwine beans gws 10
Cocoa powder gws 10
Cocoa beans gws 10
Green Leaf Mint Tea Box 20
Mixed Herbal Tea Box 20
Bazi Tea Box 20
Water barrel 40
Item Unit Amount
General Grain 2 gws 30
Mixed Vulo Grain 2 gws 30
SPECIAL REQUESTS (not already added to clan lists)
Item Unit Amount
Turian Wine 3 casks and 5 bottles
(Master Daigon) 3 Gold Tarn rec’d
Blackwine 20 sacks
(Mistress Melanie) 1 Gold Tarn rec’d
Total price: 35 gold tarn disks, 15 silver tarsks, 4 copper tarsks, and 5 copper bits
(the rest paid for with a few gems that T'gol had from the cave at the beach)
Terran's request - Two quarterstaves, a small length of red string, some glue, a tospit, and alot of rubber tubing.
Cost a total of a silver tarsk