Figured while I was thinking of it would post this all for the month now. October is a rough month this year. -lol-
Okay first off, this coming week.. Work screwed up and scheduled 2 people off at once so I've been offered Friday shift, which is good, means more OT and all. And it means I won't be online til after Midnight Friday night. It'll depend on how tired I am if I come into the room or not, more than likely will be back in the room Sat night.
Next part.. October 24.. It's my daughter's birthday! She'll be 12. (OMG, I can't believe it, my baby is growing up too quickly -lol-) I love that day, normally I'd come in or online bouncing and happy cuz she made it a year older and is in good health and had a good time and all.. Buuuuut that changed a couple years ago.
Her Father (-grumblestwichmutter-) decided, or actually probably had it decided for him, that he and his then girlfriend needed to get married. We knew it was coming and all, prepared for it, etcetc.. (At least as much as you can prepare a child for the fact her father is marrying someone else). Her birthday came around, party went great.. her father never showed for it. He appeared later that night with the annoucement that he and his girlfriend got married.. So that day was "their wedding day" and since then is "their anniversary" so therefore he doesn't spend the day with his daughter. So now I deal with a kid who wants her father's time and attention...I mean, after all it is HER birthday! It is her special day! She'll normally get a phone call, less than 5 minutes that goes something like "Hi baby, wanted to wish you a happy birthday. Hope it went well. Love you. See you tomorrow". So while she will act like nothing's wrong during the day with family around and at the party and all.. But when she comes home she cries. And it breaks my heart. Hence after all of that, I'm normally not in the best of moods after she goes to bed.
I feel the need to explain a little bit on his current wife. She is the spoiled, only child, princess, the world revolves around me and me alone type who never wanted children. She is also only 11 years older than my daughter is.
Okay I ranted so sorry. Bad subject for me.
Just wanted to explain that October is going to be a rough month in a way with work and family.. Sorry for the rant.