Author Topic: Home  (Read 3519 times)

Offline RAGNAR

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« on: November 01, 2009, 04:17:34 PM »
I have been discharged and am now home recovering.

I wish to extend our thanks for all the support in so many ways from our online family. It has meant more than you may realise.

To summarise, this latest hospitalisation has been horrid to say the least. I have had my share of illness, but the extreme speed in which this strikes is unnerving.

I coughed and sneezed Thursday, and by Friday afternoon I was headed to the ER via ambulance with blood oxygen levels entirely too low. Oxygen settings were at 12 and I was still only able to get a sat of mid to low 80's and dropping.  I guess the old lungs just said "nope... not gonna play dat" this time around.

Once in the ER we managed to get sats up enough that I was at least fuzzy, but not entirely comprehensive. Then the fun began. Tests, pokings, prodings, then the fever from hell that weirded the ER staff out.

I had swine flu... and pneumonia. I caught hell for that. "One is bad enough, you do not need both!" is what I got from the ER staff. Then I began shivering so hard it was full body shaking. I thought I was freezing to death. They say brain cells begin to die at 104 degrees. I hit 103 and cooked awhile. I wondered aloud to woobie the next day of how many I may have fried. In her own tender way she informed me I killed off none. I had none to start with. Okies... I can accept that I guess.

So the breathing gets worse, and I do not even need a stethoscope to heard the bubbling and gurgling coming from my lungs as they filled with fluid. It really is like drowning as you try to breathe and there is nothing you can do but keep trying to suck air. Now the heart failure kicked in and began complicating matters. So do they fight the heart failure, the fever, or the other? Well... if the fever keeps going there is nothing left to save. So they brought in some pills I cannot even recall what they were and was told to drink them down. So the handfull of pills went down.

I was pissed. I could do nothing about any of this. it was all out of my hands... but I was pissed. All I have faced in my life and managed to pull through, only to get pig flu and croak? Oh Hell No!!! And of course with the fever and other stuff going on, things got really wierd for me. I was having millions of thoughts and pictures flashing through my mind so fast it was mezmerising. Some I recall from my past, some just random images. It was a real trip to say the least. I think the heart monitor's beeping even started to sing to me at one point but I cannot verify that. But the pills...Whatever it was it worked. The fever finally broke and now the sweat and fluids were literally pouring from me onto the floor soaking everything.

This turned out to be an unexpected benefit. The release of so much fluid so quickly also seems to have had a positive affect on the heart failure and it assisted my body into hitting fluid dump mode. I think there may have been made mention of some definite future study with regards to possibly applying these meds to heart failure patients given the reation they had in my case. In a way its nice to know that maybe... just maybe something good can come out of what they learned by accident with me. If just one person benefits from it, then to me it was worth it.

So now they monitor the heart... battle the swine flu onset, and work to keep clearing the lung butter so I can breathe. This just began happening so fast even the staff of the ER were left befuddled wondering what was going to happen next.

Finally a room and some degree of quiet. Then the news of welcome to isolation... you are the next contestant on lets play with influenza A.

I lived in a mask of forced air and oxygen with periods of medications being introduced. There are technical names for all this but the description is easier. Those who spoke with me could hear what speaking through it sounds like. My appologies for being unable to properly speak with you as I would have liked. It was simply not possible.

A few said I could have died. Yeah, maybe, but they fail to take into account the person behind the patient.... and especially the vast support and family ties that keep us going when things get rough.

Now it is time to recover and regain my strength so I can once again rejoin my family. The thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated and knowing woobie and I have family and friends pulling for us makes a huge difference.

My thanks,


Offline Medi

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Re: Home
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2009, 04:23:36 PM »
relieved smile...and then the smile turns into happy tears.

Master Ubar...You have had so many praying for You, and Yours.

be well, and you too, prism..

Izee' Greyeagle
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Offline Alex

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Re: Home
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2009, 04:53:23 PM »
Welcome home Bro.. Welcome home
bye bye!

Offline Taryn

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Re: Home
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2009, 04:57:01 PM »
~taps my foot a few times, stops as my head tilts to the right, then straightens up again as the foot begins to tap again, this time in a more furious mode, as I look at you and into your eyes, so I know you are listening to me, at least to some point~


~tries to keep a straight face, as I lean down and give you a KOTC and a large huggle, almost to the point of not wanting to let go, but I do, as I straighten up again, I lower my voice to an almost whisper~

I am glad you are home, and I am hoping that maybe what happened with you will help others going through this... But... and I do mean this with all my love and understanding... do NOT do this again... We love you too much to be put through this again... though I am beyond glad you are home and recovering, now just sit back, relax, and do as you are supposed to do to get better, we aren't going anywhere soon, though I still might not be around as much as I would like, I will explain to you later, when you have recovered a bit more.. ~huggles and KOTC once more, and then sends woobie a large care package box with all the essentials needed to stay sane, while she tends to you~

Woobie, you as well, take it easy, as I know you are also recovering from your bout of the flu and I am doubly pleased and happy to know you didn't get this horrid flu that Rags got... I send you tons of huggles and KOTC's as well as lots of strength for the next few days or weeks... love you both muchly...

Offline Mercilayne

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Re: Home
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2009, 06:40:01 PM »
I sooo agree with Taryn.  You are not allowed to do this again.  Never...EVER.  Nope.  Absolutely not allowed.  And that's final.  -nods solmenly-

-huggles and kotc-  ah Rags, I'm so glad you're home safe and now you can actually get some rest.  Hospitals are not restful at all and I know that that place took a toll on you and definately on woobie as well. 

You both will always have our support and love and understanding.  Take care of yourself, get plenty of rest, and get BETTER!

woobie....You make sure to take care of yourself as well and thankfully you're doing okay too. 

Love ya both lots.

Offline razz|n.o.i.r

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Re: Home
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2009, 06:46:35 PM »
""All I have faced in my life and managed to pull through, only to get pig flu and croak? Oh Hell No!!!"".......-wipes tear-. i'm so proud to call you my Bro!

Joking aside? Welcome home. -grabs n snugs up LOTS-..

missed torturing......i mean, talking to ya bro. would have called if i'd known numbers, and you havent left my thoughts in awhile now. Sooooooooo fucking relived you are back. -shakes fist at-..what they said. nope, not allowed! im not ready for the new purse, or throne dammit..-hugs tight-..

take it were hellishly missed.
S I l v e r . & . C o l d
Sarant'satsral Onyxbane

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-In Mourning-

Offline Terran

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Re: Home
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2009, 06:49:38 PM »
Welcome Home, Pops.
Opinions are like assholes...everyone has one just some are louder than others.


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Re: Home
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2009, 08:54:09 PM »
Thank goodness!... i'm so glad You're home Master and hope for a speedy recovery.  i hope the both of you get some much needed rest...... *muah*

Offline aisling{MTC}

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Re: Home
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2009, 09:27:56 PM »
~sags with relief~ You broke aisling's heart (yes she has one!) when she spoke to You the other day and she was ready to come up there and kick them in the shins if they let You loose!

Oh Master, please continue to get better and please know You are in my continued prays and woobie to for her continued strength. 

Love to you both! You are so sorely missed.

Offline Fishy!

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Re: Home
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2009, 09:32:15 PM »
its good to know youre home poppa! I heard throught the grapevine you werernt feeling well... but swine flu? thats rough.... its just good to know that youre alive and kicking

and if whatever they gave you can help patients in the future? well then its nothing short of a miracle.

Woobie- youre a fucking saint -hugs-


Offline Serinna

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Re: Home
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2009, 10:10:20 PM »
now dammit. If Ive told You once, I've told You a couple thousand times... dont make Me come down there with that wet noodle.... You've scared Us enough as it is.

*kisses Your cheek* I'll try and call You Tuesday or something. see how You are doing
"born on the waters of the Thassa but My life is on the plains of Tuchuk"

Offline Tgol

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Re: Home
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2009, 10:22:28 PM »
It would seem that most of the FW of Camp have said their piece.....

I too am glad to see that our prayers and thoughts helped you along, Rags...

and woobie...stop giving him those pig lips to kiss

Get well, Old Bear

Offline Shadow duck

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Re: Home
« Reply #12 on: November 02, 2009, 02:02:11 AM »
welcome back to your home Boss.. is so very glad you is feelin betters... as I have said before.. ya gots to listen to woobie cause she knows you better than you let on... ** private whisper.. kisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss an hugggggggggggsssssssssssssssssss**..

sending more strength and good thoughts to youse both...

duckie rules


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Re: Home
« Reply #13 on: November 02, 2009, 03:19:04 AM »
welcome home Master


Offline flame{NS}

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Re: Home
« Reply #14 on: November 02, 2009, 07:51:21 AM »
you have been missed welcome home my Master.... leaves hugs and kisses

da flame
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