Author Topic: Me...  (Read 2809 times)

Offline Taryn

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« on: November 01, 2009, 10:17:58 PM »
Many things going on in my r/t, I am going to try and get into camp at some point this week, but it all depends on how things are going on my end... I know r/t comes first, but I just wanted to give my family a heads up that I am still alive and kicking, just dealing with a lot of things that have come my way, and coping with it has been hard... ~sighs softly~ A few know what is going on, but know that I have each and every person who needs thoughts and prayers sent their way have them from me...

For now, I have placed myself at the outer circle wagons helping with getting things ready out there at their medical wagon ready for migration.. I don't know how long I am going to be out there, but I hope not for long... ~small smile~

Just know you are loved much my family, you are truly the family I wish I was born into, but I didn't get that choice of who that was... Though I was able to choose this one, and there have been times I have wanted to walk away from you all, my heart would never let me do that, for it belongs here in camp, and will until the day I die... Thank you all for being a family to me, and especially being my friends when I feel like I have none...

Much love and well wishes,

Offline Mercilayne

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Re: Me...
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2009, 05:08:31 AM »
Take care of yourself and return to us soon.  -huggers- 


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Re: Me...
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2009, 09:15:29 AM »
*watches and is relieved to see You still kicking.... grins*

i hope r/t sorts itself out in Your favor Mistress and looking forward to Your return.... *muah*

Offline Taryn

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Re: Me...
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2009, 03:08:20 PM »
I thought my trouble was going to be taken care of today, but it seems that wasn't to be... ~sighs~ I had an appointment with a pain medicine doctor today, I got the authorization last week from the insurance company, and 2 weeks later, today at 2p, I would see someone to take over my pain management... Well... it seems the doctor I was going to see, quit this past weekend, and this morning, the second of three doctors, packed up his stuff and walked out in front of a full waiting room, common room and out to his car, where there were 10 people standing/sitting/waiting for their names to be called to go back to see their doctor... When we left at 4:30p, they were just reaching the patients with appointments at 11:40a... ~shakes head~

So now, it's back to my family doctor and maybe find another place to go, because they should have gotten on the phone and called those who had appointments after 3p not to come in, but they didn't and we heard from one of the PAs that they would see everyone today/tonight if they had to stay until midnight to do so.. A lot of patients were beyond pissed, but those were new patients, apparently this is what it's like everyday, but today was really bad, with the loss of two doctors... I had no choice but to leave, because I was using medical transport and they stop transportation at 5pm, and my rescheduled appointment is December 28th... That is not acceptable at all in my book, so it's back to the drawing board, and maybe, I will find a doctor/office that has their act together.. The only drawback is that I have to go further upstate, as the doctors down here are either fully booked and aren't taking any new patients, or aren't covered by my insurance...

I am going to try to come in tonight, but don't hold me to it... I get to spend tonight and until my appointment with my family doctor tomorrow afternoon, searching for another place to go... And I will be reporting this place to the insurance company, and recommend that they look into them about their practice...

I have missed you all very much, but I do know that RT comes first always.... ~soft smile~ Love to my family... ~poofs to put my nose to the grind and start getting names and numbers to call in the morning~


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Re: Me...
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2009, 12:11:58 PM »
Here's hoping this situation resolves itself in a good way for You Mistress!

Offline Mercilayne

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Re: Me...
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2009, 03:24:21 PM »
-just hugs ya tightly-

Offline Taryn

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Re: Me...
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2009, 09:15:03 PM »
Something about thank the goddess for massive reward points, or else we would have been on the street Saturday, as my check didn't come in yet, seems I didn't make enough to make a pay out... ~grumbles~

Then add to that, it's looking like we are going to have to change our cell phone number, due to harassing phone calls, not getting into it here, those who will need to know will be told when it happens.. But I nearly had a nervous breakdown over this... ~sighs~

Come tomorrow, Ray is going in for knee surgery, it's not going to be anything like his last one, this time around, he will be able to walk and use his knee afterward.. So after I post this, I will be heading to bed, since we have to up in 6 hours, and I have to keep the bear from getting too grumpy due to not being able to eat anything until after the surgery, in fact, he had to stop eating at 11pm, so it's already sort of begun... I will drop a line to you all when I get the time tomorrow, or send a note to Shoko to post about the surgery, because I have this feeling he's going to be a zombie afterward like he was last time.. ~laughs~

Just a small update, and to let you know that I am still alive, though, there was a point this weekend that it was really iffy on that point... ~shakes head~ Love to my family... ~heads off to bed, thinking I am going to have to be able to deal with him being in hurt bear mode for at least tomorrow if not longer~

Offline razz|n.o.i.r

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Re: Me...
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2009, 10:43:03 AM »
-leaves mucho snuggles for you-...
S I l v e r . & . C o l d
Sarant'satsral Onyxbane

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-In Mourning-

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: Me...
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2009, 02:24:58 PM »

Hang in there both of you!!!

Offline Taryn

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Re: Me...
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2009, 02:50:18 PM »
Ray came through the surgery alright, won't know what was done until his next appt with his Ortho to find out what was done and what the end result is and was... He's already up and walking around, as was the orders by his ortho to keep it moving and not having problems crop up afterward... He was only in for an hour and 15 mins, and he's doing much better this time around than last time, last time he was a zombie, and he still can't remember much that happened that day of his surgery... Heck, he's been taking care of me, which is driving me crazy, as it should be me helping him... But when I can barely walk, doesn't help matters much, but we are also getting help from the maintenance guy who works here, until he heads home later tonight... as well as the owner, is letting us stay in the suite until we both can get up and down the stairs without problems, and at the same cost as our old room... ~smiles a bit~

Anyway, just came here to leave this little update, as I am being glared at, as I am supposed to be relaxing and laying down in bed, taking Tylenol and my meds to hopefully stop whatever has decided to invade my body and make me sicker than a dog... ~smiles a bit as I slip back out to do as I am supposed to before I end up in more trouble~

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: Me...
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2009, 08:13:04 PM »
 :-* ;) :)

Offline Mercilayne

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Re: Me...
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2009, 05:46:18 PM »
Take good care of yourself  -snugs and sends good and very positive thoughts for recovery for you both-

Offline Medi

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Re: Me...
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2009, 05:56:26 PM »
take care, Mistress.  i will add You and Yours to my daily prayers, and will send You all of the positive thoughts that i can.

Izee' Greyeagle
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Offline Sahara

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Re: Me...
« Reply #13 on: November 21, 2009, 05:40:04 PM »
Love and prayers with you, Sis...and Ray too. Give him snugs for me. Call me when you can so I can get your new number please?

Love you both!

Offline Taryn

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Re: Me...
« Reply #14 on: November 22, 2009, 10:27:53 PM »
Will do so tomorrow, because right now, I have no brain cells left and should really be asleep... ~huggggggggggles~ love and miss ya very much... and will give him snugs when he wakes up, since he's the lucky one and got to sleep early... ~grumps~