Please pardon me if this is not posted in the correct section.
I wanted to direct attention to some interesting reading I found a few weeks ago.
I've been rp'ing here for about three years now and quite honestly have never read anything under the Gorean Roleplay General Discussion threads until recently.
Finding myself with a spot of time on my hands for a change I perused the Triva Time topic. If I may say, it was highly informative to say the least. Even as a "seasoned" slave, I felt it was very good reading and felt perhaps others could benefit from reading it as well. Obviously I've been lackadaisical about skimming through the boards and instead focusing my time and efforts on the OOC/IC/ and Training boards.
Anyway not to drone on, but thought to just put that out there that if the new ones coming need a bit of good reading, try there. It can only benefit. Actually, there's several things in that section that can.