A topic for the great questions in life......
Why must some people marinade in perfume? It makes me really want to rip off the offending bug killer, musky smelling parts and dispose of on a permanent basis. The warm coppery scent of blood would be less offensive to my delicate ofactory senses. Seriously, a dab will do ya..
(on a side note, I may have an ever so slight anger management problem)
Why when you get something new that should be a piece of cake to set up does it NEVER seem to work with out going through hell?
got a new printer for xmas.. wireless.. its gonna be awesome! yeah.... not.. it isnt picking up a signal.. I moved it.. I manually tried to set it up... nothing..NOTHING.. Im sure it will require multiple people.. one of which will be my Dad.. God love him, he tries but sometimes.. well lets just say it takes 3 times as long to get things situated. -sighs-
Ahem...*puts on the answer man hat*
Marinading in perfume...when old people do it, it is to mask the scent of formaldahyde, talcum powder, mothballs, old dust from underneath furniture, boiled cabbage, Ben Gay, dry staleness, and/or a miasma of pinesol, clorox, and cedar . When middle aged people do it, it is to make them feel like a young blossoming flower because they realize that they sure as hell aint getting any younger and gravity seems to love them right about now. When young people do it because like all young people, nothing is done in moderation, not speed, not drinking, not sex, etc etc.
When you get something new and think its going to be a piece of cake, that is why it isnt. Because like all people who are "in tune" with technology today and know what the internet is and how to "surf" it, we egotistically believe we "know" it all. So, it has to be too easy. Therein lies the problem. We set ourselves up for failure in overconfidence. To actually make things simple to set up that involves technology, simply believe it will be the freaking hardest thing in the world to do. That makes your mind that much more focused on what you are doing and pay closer attention to the details and the most important of all the details, the "Instructions". I know I have done it plenty of times and to this day, still tell my customers, "Please read your owners manual so you dont have to drive 45 minutes back to me so I can simply press two buttons, all of half a second, to fix your problem and make you feel like a dumbshit and wasteful of gas. Have a nice day and Merry Christmas!"
My father doesnt know what Internet Explorer is let alone what a web browser is, but, when it comes to plugging or hooking things up to his computer, never has a problem, because he always thinks its beyond him and is going to be really hard and if it is, he has a son that will do it for free.
*Takes off the answer hat and goes back to being me*