Some of you know that the year of 2009 wasn't the best, it started out bad, and seemed to get worse not only for me, but also for Ray... Though now as the year gets closer to the end, we are looking forward to starting a new year with a better outlook on things, no longer being dependent on others to help us out, but doing it on our own for the first time in nearly 4 years... Though we couldn't have gotten through it without our friends and family here, as you all are at times more of a family to me than my own r/t family...
So here's to the past hurts, frustrations, pain, and everything else, and now looking to the future of 2010, with my family who are here now and the future ones who join into the circle of family...
Stay safe and please, if you drink have someone else drive you and if you don't have anyone, call a taxi, as they will take you home free of charge... Though if you are having the party at your own place, keep the keys of those drinking and call them a taxi if all else fails, as I don't wish to start the new year with a death of a loved one, or to see a loved one go through the grief of a friend or family member due to an accident caused by drinking...