kadikins, I am so glad to hear you are at home, but I am all for rest, relaxation and taking it easy... I wholeheartedly agree with Rags about your doctors, though as Ray is fond of saying, if it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck and well sounds like a duck, then they must be QUACKS!! ~winks and huggles~ As you know a little about my share of such doctors in my recent past, sounds like these ones are in the same league as them... ~huggles you again~ I hope the breathing machine helps you out more than anything, as I am always worried when I hear you are having an attack, and this time around had me triplely worried...
I am all for the kidnapping of kadikins, I saw we start a fund in honor of her to get her to the US and then whoever takes her in, can get her to the right specialists and get her on the road to recovery... I know on this side of the Mississippi River there are some really damn good places to look into that specialize in the areas that she is having issues with...
~huggles kadikins a few more times though each one is gentle, not my normal "bearhuggles-I-can't-breathe" huggles~ And I am also among those who also forbid you from even thinking of giving up or moving on, as you are too precious to us and our family to do such... You are very much loved and cared about, I think more than you even realize... Love you kadikins...