**Healer Report by Taryn**
Had a son bring in his ancient father to the medical wagon after he had collapsed, while they were getting their wagon set up for the night to allow their bosk team to graze the grass beneath the light dusting of snow. By the time he was able to get his father to the medical wagon it was too late. It was his time to go, as he gave his entire life to Tuchuk, it was now time for him to watch over Tuchuk from the great blue skies above.
100 Bosk were culled out of the herd to be killed and the meat given to those of the wagons to eat tonight. I also had an order go out that the slaves and thralls in camp collars were to be given meat to eat as well, as they need to keep their strength up for the upcoming days, as well as spoke to a few of the privately owned slaves' owners asking them to also include their slaves and thralls in the meal this night of fresh meat. Merci, Sarant and Leda were working to pass out slabs of meat to the wagons so that everyone might be able to have some protein added to their diet tonight. The remaining meat will be put to the stew tomorrow, and will be available to any and all who wish to have a bowl or two. There is no spices or seasoning left, but I am going to add a couple of thick bones with the marrow which will add more flavor than just adding water and nothing else.
Cassius was brought into the medical wagon by Boris when he heard an odd sound come from outside the flap of the wagon, when he looked out he saw the form of one of the Commanders. He and Dimitri went into action, they brought him safely into the wagon, and to the attention of a healer. I have been told that Cassius is resting comfortably, an IV has been started as he's not only dehydrated, but also malnourished, though this is becoming the normal, with only bosk and water for stew and a few of the Outriders are eating what is left of the jerky, again, that is also just about gone. Leticia saw to Cassius' healing, though I have been told that he will more than likely return himself to duty once he has gotten sleep in him and some fluids.
Tomar is healing well, he has been allowed to drink broth, though he believes he's ready to start eating solid food already, but he has been told in no uncertain terms will he be eating solid food for another day or two. I have given him my rules to what will lead to him to being able to do such, and I have this feeling that if either I or another healer doesn't do exactly as I said would happen if he does as said, he will remove himself from the medical wagon and return to his unit. I hope it doesn't come down to forcing him to stay until he's healed enough to return to his unit, but he's stubborn like his mother and father, so anything can happen.
The Warrior who lost his hand in wagon wheel incident is healing well, there is some phantom pain where his hand used to be, but he is handling each new thing as it comes. His spirits are high and he's looking forward to going onto the next step, to see if he will be allowed to return to his unit or not. Though in his mind, he has set himself to being able to return, and I am not one to deny that this will happen, as that is not my place to say in the end. He has been granted to eat solid food, and tonight he will share fresh bosk steaks with those of the surgical wagon.
The Outrider and his woman will be released to my wagon tomorrow night, as their wagon is still in need of repairs and at this time can not return to it until such is done, they have agreed to stay in my wagon and help out where they can during their stay. I have an elderly woman who is going to teach his companion how to knit a blanket for their baby, and she will also give her some advice about raising children, as she is a bit scared of being a mother, as she is just my daughter, Tanna's age, though I have a feeling that she's going to be a wonderful mother.
The ASKARI and healer who were brought to the medical wagon last night are doing better, though the healer hasn't been able to gain any feeling in her toes, they are no longer white and the blisters have stopped forming. The next few days will tell the story of what her future holds. The ASKARI are in better spirits, and I have been told they too are faring better. Though I have not seen to them myself, and I only got a passing update on their conditions tonight, I will be checking in on them during my duty in the surgical and medical wagons tonight and give a full update when I am able to do so.
I have had 2 bosk taken from those which was brought to the medical wagon of the inner circle and taken out to the rear medical wagon, as well as taking one of the clansmen of the butcher's clan with the Or of Outriders, so they can use one of the bosk to make another batch of stew, which they have run out of. The other bosk will be killed, innards and guts will be given to the sleen and kaiila out there, and the meat will be cooked up for those living among the rear wagons, the hooves, horns, and bone will be brought back and given to the respective clans to use them to make glue, buttons, and other things for the Tuchuk camp.
**End Report**