Author Topic: I have a fansite!!  (Read 3383 times)

Offline Kimba~

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I have a fansite!!
« on: March 09, 2010, 05:52:36 PM »
This is hilarious.  I have never seen anything that better typfies how really truly, profoundly, UN-Gorean my enemies are.

Create fake names to hide behind and hurl cowardly insults.  I think that was Tarl Cabot's motto.

I am flattered that these people are so obsessed with me that have a message board and facebook page devoted to me, even if it devoted to bashing me

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.  People like this are the enemy of all true Goreans.

The non-Goreans among us hate me more than anybody.  I should be flattered, shouldn't I?

By no means am I suggesting that anyone look at the website.   I am not going to make a link for it.

But if you have to look, its at
Kimba, PantherClaw Taluna Jungle, WM

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Offline RAGNAR

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Re: I have a fansite!!
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2010, 06:22:14 PM »
I am not going to make a link for it.

But if you have to look, its at


Just consider the possible sources.

A second or two of consideration is more than they warrant.

Dismiss and move on.

Offline Raziel

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Re: I have a fansite!!
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2010, 07:00:14 PM »
Like I tell people.  I dont care if they like me or not, if they want to spend their free time hating on me then hey, at least I am on their mind with no effort on my part.

Afterall....imitation is the highest form of flattery.


Offline RickBulow74

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Re: I have a fansite!!
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2010, 07:21:21 PM »
I was even mentioned in this page as being one of her "boys" because I had defended her a few times. Am I offended by it? No. As a matter of fact, I had even compared her to another controversial person I had run with about 2000 named KNIGHTRANGER, and also Ragnar and prism (aka woobie) remember my first trip in Gor and who I was at the time. Hell, my entire life in Gor had been rife with controversy because of the race I had portrayed when I first started out. So controversy is nothing new to me.
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Re: I have a fansite!!
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2010, 10:12:02 PM »
LOL...You are famous, True!  Enjoy!

What a bunch of yutzes, I have to agree with Raz on how to handle this, don't let it get you down.

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Offline razz|n.o.i.r

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Re: I have a fansite!!
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2010, 10:25:18 PM »
No sense in talkin bout it, really. Simply cut your losses, and ignore. Best thing to do really.

good luck.
S I l v e r . & . C o l d
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Offline RickBulow74

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Re: I have a fansite!!
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2010, 02:54:08 AM »
This is so true, Sarant. I know I told her a few times to ignore the people and just concentrate on her roleplay. I know that is what I had been doing as a few people had said bad things that will happen should I be with her but I do not give a flying fraugline about it
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Offline Shylina Marie

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Re: I have a fansite!!
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2010, 06:01:24 AM »
If someone has to go so far as to create a website.. web page.. message board.  blah blah blah.  shows the juvenile nature of a group of people who are supposed to be adults.  honestly it sounds like some college punk that has nothing better to do in between classes than waste time effort energy and my tax dollars by using a campus network to continue this load of bosk chips.  simply place on ignore. block and delete and move forward. after all. what else can they do.  type us to death?
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Offline razz|n.o.i.r

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Re: I have a fansite!!
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2010, 06:04:28 AM »
I have been in some some fucked up situations before in my time. Nowhere near this magnitude whatsoever. Although with that said? There is only one real way to deal with something like this.

Ignore it. Don't talk about it. Put on a big smile, and continue on. The biggest revenge on people who are wrong? Isn't pointlessly arguing with them. Or posting about it. That will only fuel the fire, and give people even more of a reason to keep their 'shit' up (so to speak). A quote comes to mind, and I live by it(and others but wont mention them now)

"The ultimate revenge. Is success."

Not trying to downplay anyone at all here. But I've been around this online land awhile(eyes bro n shooshes Long enough to know that some people just wont let go, and will look for the smallest thing to point at and make their jokes, or whatever. Letting go, and acting as if the situation does not exist. Is the best route to take. Any other way. Too many long winded and time wasted arguments will arise and blah, right?.

Anyways. Thats my 2c's on this, and am off to design stuffs cause I have a deadline.


P.S; Agreed with Shylina. -laughs-. Seriously, a hate-facebook-page? Woooww.

me. ;)
S I l v e r . & . C o l d
Sarant'satsral Onyxbane

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Offline Taryn

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Re: I have a fansite!!
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2010, 08:00:34 AM »
Ignore Them. Ignore Them. Ignore Them. Ignore Them. Ignore Them. Ignore Them. Ignore Them.

Every time you post something in response to them, you just fuel the fire even more. So take a step back and let them run their mouth, or in this case, their fingers. Because they see they are getting to you and are using this as your Kryptonite, and will keep doing such to get your ire up and get you to post in response over and over at infinite nauseum. So once again.

Ignore Them. Ignore Them. Ignore Them. Ignore Them. Ignore Them. Ignore Them. Ignore Them.


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Re: I have a fansite!!
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2010, 09:42:30 AM »
after all. what else can they do.  type us to death?

*sneaks in, remaining silent, snagging her new favorite quote, before slipping back out*

Offline Kimba~

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Fansite Update
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2010, 04:06:26 PM »
Taryn, it's hard to ignore at this point.

Now, others mentioned on the website have brought it to the attention of the rest of Gor on the PoD and PG boards.

It started out as a rousing bash of the people who made the website.  Even my worst enemies said, "Whoever made this site is scum, etc, etc."

Then three hours later, the idea was introduced that I probably made the website myself to garner sympathy.  Now that is starting to be debated.

Here is the Admin of PoD, on locking the thread: Kimba - as long as its not you, I am sorry this happened to you.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2010, 05:34:38 PM by Kater »
Kimba, PantherClaw Taluna Jungle, WM

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Offline Fishy!

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Re: I have a fansite!!
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2010, 04:19:31 PM »
I saw the post on PoD... while I didnt check out the actuial site or anything I still think its funny that someone went throught all that effort...

but I agree with Shy... because they cant really type us to death...

Offline RickBulow74

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Re: I have a fansite!!
« Reply #13 on: March 11, 2010, 10:29:07 AM »
What they had done to her in doing this board is almost kind of the same thing that had gotten one person banned from three sites at my hand back in 2007 when he showed my RT pic in a rather unflattering light. Incidentally, someone told me that she feels the same person who did these board is quite possibly that same man, and I would not doubt it, especially since he had a habit of talking out of both sides of his mouth anyhow. I say talking out of both sides of his mouth as on the PG Board I had written a post and then in that post he said that he is willing to forge a truce with Kimba, to bury the hatchet if you will. It seems that the only place he is willing to bury the hatchet is in her back.

AND incidentally I am mentioned in this board and it tosses me in the same wavelength, but as was mentioned before I live on controversy, as most of my Gor life had been controversial. Ragnar and NightStorm know my past and who I used to be
OOC - Rick