I have been in some some fucked up situations before in my time. Nowhere near this magnitude whatsoever. Although with that said? There is only one real way to deal with something like this.
Ignore it. Don't talk about it. Put on a big smile, and continue on. The biggest revenge on people who are wrong? Isn't pointlessly arguing with them. Or posting about it. That will only fuel the fire, and give people even more of a reason to keep their 'shit' up (
so to speak). A quote comes to mind, and I live by it(
and others but wont mention them now)
"The ultimate revenge. Is success."
Not trying to downplay anyone at all here. But I've been around this online land awhile(
eyes bro n shooshes him..lol). Long enough to know that some people just wont let go, and will look for the smallest thing to point at and make their jokes, or whatever. Letting go, and acting as if the situation does not exist. Is the best route to take. Any other way. Too many long winded and time wasted arguments will arise and blah, right?.
Anyways. Thats my 2c's on this, and am off to design stuffs cause I have a deadline.
P.S; Agreed with Shylina. -laughs-. Seriously, a hate-facebook-page? Woooww.