Author Topic: Furs of Bila Falls Update  (Read 2228 times)

Offline Kimba~

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Furs of Bila Falls Update
« on: March 23, 2010, 03:40:20 AM »
Last night, Tuchuks had taken point on the trip, tonight was PClaw’s turn in the danger zone, ahead of the main group and pack kailla, by about 20 ehn.

Tasp and Drax had ridden the right flank, along the rocky ground towards the mountains, looking like a lone man and his FC, a good target for any brigands in the mountains.  But they encountered no problems, nor sighted any signs of recent human presence.

Medi and I rode the left flank, looking like a pair of FW lost in the tall grass.  But Medi had her bow ready, and supposedly is a pretty good shot on kaillaback, from her upbringing among the Savages.  I had the barbarian kajira riding with me, holding my askari shield, and me just carrying my lance and having one hand for the reigns.

Richard rode about a pasang behind, equally spaced between the flanks, with a crossbow ready and a builder’s glass.  He had one kajira with him, to act as a messenger to run back for reinforcements if the point was attacked.  Richard’s other girl and trina had stayed back and ridden with Ragnar’s group.

I really don’t have a good sense of distance on these seemingly featureless grasslands, or the mountains which I don’t know the scale.  We set out at dusk, and traveled about 6 ahn, mostly at a brisk walk, but with two good open runs through some sparser areas of shorter grass (probably places where the ground water is really low, or minerals create a bad soil for the usual grasses.)

Tasp and Drax picked a good campsite, a shallow depression behind a foothill, where a single sentry will have a real good hidden vantage point.  But we’d have two sentries, when the Tuchuks arrived, to be safe.  On the mountain side, we have some pretty steep terrain, so it would be unlikely we’d be approached from that direction at all.

Ragnar wouldn’t know this, and didn’t need to know; but I felt pretty safe against Kassar attacks.  Ubar Kull and I had an alliance going back several years, to a time that our mutual self-interests had coincided.  One of his FW had run away to join a rival Panther band.  He had wanted the woman in chains, and I had wanted the rival Panthers to have bad things happen.  Kull and I had arranged that, and had some trade and an occasional visit or meeting since then.  I had met Kull in the Victoria market and told him about our move, and had renewed our non-aggression pact.  I had sent a messenger from the Pointe, and he had agreed to pull his outriders back from the mountains this week.  I am pretty sure that the Kassars who attacked us leaving the Pointe were either renegades or had not got word from Kull yet.  And Kull would certainly have no idea that Ragnar was with us.

I don’t think we’ll have trouble with Kassars, but I am concerned about wild kailla.  There are alot of shallow tracks, of riderless kailla, and alot of droppings.  I had heard rumors that Sometimes the wild ones hunt in packs. I'd hate to meet up with something like that. Not as bad as Kassars, but faster than us. We couldn't run from riderless kaillas.
Kimba, PantherClaw Taluna Jungle, WM

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Tuesday: Aerial Recon
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2010, 09:25:00 PM »
Our original plan had been to use Mercenary Tarnsmen to take us Home from the point.  Several months ago, knowing when the Tuchuk migration was to occur, I had hired a Mercenary Tarnsman of Ar, and his men, for this task.

The Tarnsmen showed up early today, and I took a ride with Keenan, the Mercenary Captain.  We did not see signs of humans in the foothills at all, but we did set down at a spot where it sure looked like several wild kaillas had shared a kill.  We didn't see kaillas in the hills though, and we speculate that perhaps they lay low in the grasslands during the day, and hunt the foothills at night.
Kimba, PantherClaw Taluna Jungle, WM

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Offline Kimba~

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Re: Furs of Bila Falls Update
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2010, 11:50:26 PM »
Medi and I rode ahead of the main group today, and entered the pass to hunt kailiuk that were gathered around a stream that flows out from the pass.  We killed two of them with arrows from the heights before they knew we were there.  They didn't drop yet, but they'll be dead enough by morning, and the kaillas will fresh meat tomorrow, to hold them another three days, by which time we will be into the jungle, where wild game is plentiful.

Me, Medi and trina are camped out under an overhang in the heights, and the main group is expected to reach the head of the pass later tonight, and camp there until morning.
Kimba, PantherClaw Taluna Jungle, WM

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Offline Kimba~

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Re: Furs of Bila Falls Update
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2010, 03:38:30 AM »
Ragnar asked me about the surprising lack of Kassars, and I told him about the arrangement I made with Kull.  Since this arrangement seems to be holding, there is a little less time pressure to get through this pass.  That being the case, nobody was really in the mood to put down wounded kailiuks on their own turf, when time and Tuchuk barbed arrows would do the job with no risk.  So PClaw people set up in the highlands on both sides of the pass, to watch the kailiuks die, and make sure other predators didn't steal our prizes.  The Tuchuks rested in thier camp at the south entrance to the pass, setting scouts to chase away the wild kailla that are perhaps thicker in the tall grass than I had suspected, but not as agressive as I had feared.

By morning the kaillas should be able to gorge on fresh meat, and after they sleep, and we cook and feast; we will either be ready to move out by afternoon, or almost everyone stuffed, drunk and snoring.
Kimba, PantherClaw Taluna Jungle, WM

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Offline Kimba~

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Re: Furs of Bila Falls Update
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2010, 02:13:43 AM »
We reached the far end of the pass early this evening. We will camp here tonight.  In the morning, we will scout the jungle, and try to figure out which way to Bila Falls.
Kimba, PantherClaw Taluna Jungle, WM

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Offline Kimba~

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Re: Furs of Bila Falls Update
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2010, 11:30:41 AM »
The talunas spent the day scouting the Jungle to the north and northeast.  The area to the north is swampy and to the northeast, more traditional jungle.  There are advantages to going either way, slogging due north through the swamp to hit the river sooner, or northeast, hacking our way through jungle.

Medi shot a big bull tarsk, and Taspan gathered firewood from the jungle so we could have a real wood fire to roast the tarsk over, and we feasted.  The main party will enter the jungle today.
Kimba, PantherClaw Taluna Jungle, WM

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Offline Kimba~

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Re: Furs of Bila Falls Update
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2010, 04:14:14 AM »
Ragnar has been feeling increasingly poorly for the last 4 days.  He also had an unfortunate encounter with a wild tarn.  Being as how there are no Tuchuk Healers along, nor any of his family; I am not willing to take responsibility for his medical condition.  Moreover, since we did not know if we would be returning to the skiff, I gave Billi orders that if we were not there by the first of the month, they were to head for Home.  Clearly, we cannot get there in time

I had to regretfully decide to split up and send the Tuchuks home, before we got any deeper into the Jungle.  Perhaps when you reach the ocean at the end of your next migration, we can deliver these furs by ship.  Or if you want to send an expedition to our Home to get them before that, you will be as welcome in our Home as we were in yours.
Kimba, PantherClaw Taluna Jungle, WM

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Offline Alex

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Re: Furs of Bila Falls Update
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2010, 01:07:17 PM »
Outrider Orluman Wapike report

We have made good time as we head back towards our lands. The Ubar is back into his normal health as he took a salt pill and used the suck it up princess way of life.

We have stopped at a watering hole for a moment to let our mounts drink and get a quick reprieve from the pace we have taken.  We are ahead of schedule as the mounts have not had to stop an over gourge themselves out on the plains. They only need to eat once a hand. So after conversing we will set out once more towards our lands

End report
bye bye!

Offline Alex

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Re: Furs of Bila Falls Update
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2010, 10:53:27 AM »
Outrider Orluman Wapike

Report number 2..

Gummy the messenger sleen has returned... but it didnt bring Paga back Like it was requested... I will have to adress this as our supplies are runing low.. - chug, gulp, belch- The mounts have taken a moment in a wooded area, with some cover and some shade as we have decided after a few botas to take a break for the time, and simply watch the Kassar as they make head passed.. We have been Unnoticed... thus far. or the Ubar was correct in, they are to busy slapping each others butts to be efficient Warriors to actually know there surroundings.. and what may be hidden in those surroundings...

-shivers- either I just saw a slave that made bitsy look like the finest kajira in the land or that was the most deformed hind quarters of a bosk I have ever seen.

Our time is going better than expected.. though we are experiencing a stoppage for warrior Breaks in a more frequent moments... Im starting to think it Coralates with our dwindling supplies of Paga....

-looks over as it seems Ragnar has "found" another supply of Paga for us.. and the kassar are now gone.. -


bye bye!

Offline Kimba~

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Re: Furs of Bila Falls Update
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2010, 02:57:28 PM »
Keenan's Mercenary Tarnsmen (not much use to us in the jungle) have been providing long-range air-support for the Tuchuks heading home, even if the Tuchuks did not know it.  As Keenan explained it to me, close air-support would be actually defending the airspace over the Tuchuks, which he did not do.  Long-range air-support, in this case, meant patrolling the flanks of the Tuchuck column at night, at distance, to make sure that Kassars or Bandits could not surprise the column.

Keenen reported to me that a large contingent of Tuchuks has formed up to see Rags safely Home.  I am pleased to hear this, though it does not much temper my contempt for those who didn't see fit to accompany him on the trip out, when there was real danger to be faced, from unknown directions.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2010, 10:55:39 PM by Forest Bird »
Kimba, PantherClaw Taluna Jungle, WM

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Offline Alex

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Re: Furs of Bila Falls Update
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2010, 05:43:38 PM »
-Outrider Orluman Wapike-

-Report 3-

- as we look to the skys it is if Tarn have magically appeared from out of the clouds....

Side note there has not been a cloud in the sky the past few days

- I have enjoyed my time with the Ubar on this journy as I am Glad I went from Day one... and it has brought Me and My Warriors together better than I had hoped....

Cade was tossed from his Kaiila as he fell into a sleen burrow and sustained a few cuts and lasserations.... The Orlu's Field Medic that has accompanied us saw to him and he has returned to his Post in his Or.....

- We are finally back into our home lands as we should be home soon.. it will be good to be home... -

-End report-
bye bye!

Offline Raziel

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Re: Furs of Bila Falls Update
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2010, 07:39:23 PM »
Tuchuk Council Oraluman Raziel


Suffice it to say, it has been some time since I have heard report from Outrider Orluman Wapike and his contingent that left with the Ubar on his journey to gather some furs apparently.  Much to my dismay, it was as if everyone vanished in the middle of the night.  Outrider patrols did however report seeing the group departing so, I can only go by this.

It must have done the Ubar some good to have his GRANDSON with him on this journey to have more of a bonding time between the two.  I know that many in camp were glad to finally be on home grounds after such a tribulating migration that took such a toll on all of us.  There were still many issues to tend to before anyone could really go off on another direct journey or vacation, course that depended on the company.

It is my hope that they return soon, well, the Tuchuk party that is.  They are missed.


Offline Alex

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Re: Furs of Bila Falls Update
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2010, 10:40:52 AM »
Outrider Orluman Wapike

Report 4

The contingent of Tuchuks have made it home safe and sound. As Ragnar and myself made it into the man camp just after sundown. The warriors have been ordered to rest for the day and get to somekind of normalacy after the migration a trip for supplies and now the fuhr trading journy.  After two days we will resume again.  I thank the skys as all went well and everyone is safe and sound at home now. 

End report
bye bye!