It was brought to my attention that there was question on what, and how exactly to bundle grass to dry for later use. Its short, simple, and proven effective.
Cut the grasses low leaving enough to grow well and replace what was taken. Cut too low and it can burn off and slow its regrowth.
Once cut, gather in large armloads with the tall grasses all running the same direction. Place the load between your thighs and using the long grass itself, use a handful to wrap around the bundle twice and tie it off. Once tied off, stand the bundle upright on end to dry. You may have to bounce the bundle a couple times to get it to stand, but it will. Do note, the grasses may still have some green to the bundle and still be considered dried... just not overly green, damp, or if it feels hot inside the bundle, it is not yet ready to gather.
Gather the dried bundles and stack/store for later use.
If the bundles are stowed away wet, one of tow things can happen. The first being mold. The damp grass can mold and its quality is greatly diminished. The second, and extremely dangerous aspect, is fire. It builds up heat and when stacked the heat can become so great it will actually cause a fire.
So make sure the grasses are dried, not holding heat inside the bundles, and stack neatly.