Well, I was spanked...
Hell, I was beaten at times...Im just as sane as any other Tuchuk.
But, suffice it to say, I didnt play baseball.
I played Soccer.
Not that you were pointing fingers or making accusations...Soccer players in my school were the nerds...the other jocks...were dumber than a box of rocks in a frying pan.
I graduated Salutatorian, giving up Valedictorian so my competitor could get a scholarship to MIT.
I was a Boy Scout, from cubs to Eagle Scout with every freaking stupid merit badge I could get because I was raised as an overachiever. Second place was the first looser. Joined the Military because I felt it was right, to give back what I was given, which was freedom to choose who I wanted to be. Fought in a few places, did my tours and got out. Dont ask for anything in return.
Im not sure I can agree with the Spanking/non spanking thing going on. Family values is the point. How do you apply family values into your children. How do you discipline without disregarding family values? Easy.
Learn to talk to them. Even through talking, ie effective communication involving all the senses, one can show disappointment. There are times when a disappointed look, is much worse than a spanking. Spankings eventually stop. The pain goes away. The look of disappointment lasts much longer.
Ben Franklin also wanted the Turkey for the national bird. Cant be right about everything.
And even though most in the government with any sense is above 25, they are also more concerned about their retirement and how to line their pockets, afterall, they are politicians.
Also, just to note something else...the Spankless Generation...25 and younger make up about 2/3 of our military. Serving, fighting and dying for us.
Guess not all are less enlightened than we think.
Its all about how they are raised.
Being a parent, I do think about how my child is raised and whether or not I will use spankings for discipline or if a look or raised voice can be just as effective.
Is it really the future of the western society to suffer the morons or is it because we simply talk about it instead of actually doing something about it?
With my child, I simply do because at the age of 2, she understands disappointment and discipline without a spanking. And...she will probably play soccer. Probably get a trophy. But thats ok...because who she is is what I love, she is a part of me. Who she will become, well, that is up to her. As long as I give her the choices and the proper rearing, Im sure she will make fine decisions, regardless if she throws my ass in an old folks home or not.
Spankless Generation or not...we are ALL a product of our Environment. What we are allowed to get away with, we will do again.

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
---Frank Outlaw