Author Topic: The Spankless Generation  (Read 6015 times)

Offline Kimba~

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The Spankless Generation
« on: July 01, 2010, 11:08:07 AM »
I’ve oft referred to people 25 and younger as the Spankless Generation, the first generation of human beings that was raised without being spanked.  Certainly there are enlightened individuals of young age.  I don’t want to sound like I am condemning everyone below a certain age.  I am just trying to characterize the mathematical center of the whole group.  I think perhaps enlightened young people, being exposed to their generation more than I am; probably know that what I am saying is generally true.  It’s also true for older people, who may have forgotten what it was to be spanked.

It’s not the act of the spanking that matters.  Think of the metaphor we make when we use spank or spanked or spanking in the figurative sense.  It’s about the mental pain of being chastised for being clearly wrong.

The Spankless Generation didn’t play baseball, where you can strike out or get hit by a pitch; they played soccer, where they all got trophies.  They didn’t have bedtimes.  They were not afraid of disappointing or angering their teachers.

Nobody set limits on them.  Nobody told them no.  Nobody told them, “Be seen and not heard.”  Nobody told them, “Go out and play.”  They didn’t sweat in gym or even walk to school.  They didn’t learn to excel, they learned to get along.  They learned to meet the required benchmarks and that’s all.  They didn’t learn to think for themselves, or get outside the box.

Spare the rod, spoil the child.  Ben Franklin was right about everything but that?  2000 years of accumulated knowledge about how to raise children tossed out for a new way.

What has this grand experiment in childrearing created.  Well, we won’t know until they are in charge will we?  They don’t have the votes to have their hands on the reigns of government now, but they will.

Can we get a clue on how it’s gonna go, from looking at what the former-minors have done to the Gor they have taken over?  They think they are entitled to be drama-free.  No ambiguity.  No criticism.

Is it the future of western society to suffer the tyranny of self-governance by morons?
Kimba, PantherClaw Taluna Jungle, WM

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Offline Serinna

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Re: The Spankless Generation
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2010, 12:21:40 PM »
I was raised on being spanked. and so were/are My kids. My oldest son is 19, daughter is 13, youngest son is 8. granted I dont spank as often as perhaps some do or as often as My Mother did Me or My Sister. We are told these days by the "Powers that be" that it is illegal to spank Our children. I was also told by a doctor that as long as its with an open palm, spanking is fine. for Myself, there is a definitive difference between spanking and abusing Your children. I knew a young girl once when I was in My early teenage years. I went to the park one day and this girl was there... I'll call her Christine. anyway, she came down to the park from her apartment as it was right next to the playground. Christine had welts on her arm. I asked her what happened. she told Me that she had gotten into trouble for something (I cant recall what... this was more years back than I care to count or try to recall)

it seems that those that create the laws for such transgressions can not seem to figure out the difference between spanking for discipline and out right abusing a child. so they make it against the law for all of it. there are those that this law do cover and should as they cant seem to figure out that instead of beating a child for accidently breaking a dish or crying for something simple, that they can do something instead that is much less severe. to them, hitting them with something more than a wooden spoon or the palm of their hand is more convincing. they dont seem to realize or simply dont care that these actions can not only physically harm a child but do so emotionally as well.

and then there are those parents and family members that do the verbal/mental abuse of their children. tell them that they are worthless, that they wont amount to anything when they become adults... the list goes on and on. these people should not have become parents and if they are, dont deserve their kids. if they cant encourage their children to do the best they can in what ever they do, if they cant take the time to show them the right way without brow beating it into their heads, why do they bother having children to begin with? I tell/have told My children that they can do anything they set their minds to.

My oldest son told Me a few years ago that he was bi..(I think its a curiousity more than anything). I have not disowned him for it. he told Me that he was Wiccan... he thought that I would get angry at him. I know what the religion of Wicca is. do I take everything away from him for his beliefs or the fact that he may want to have a relationship with another male? no. doing so would be the same as telling him that he is worthless and will never make something of himself.

Children have lives of their own to live. what right do We as their parents or as society in general have to tell them that they cant do these things. as long as its not illegal, nobody gets hurt and no animals are put to death.

what right does the government have to try and tell Us how to raise Our children. as long as My kids know right from wrong, they dont end up on the street homeless, or worse yet dead and they do the best they can to finish school. thats what matters to Me. if they feel that they are not up to having children themselves...that is fine too

anyway. I think Im done... thats My 2 cents... or maybe a dime... who knows. lol

*gets down off My soap box*
« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 12:26:46 PM by Serinna »
"born on the waters of the Thassa but My life is on the plains of Tuchuk"

Offline Taryn

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Re: The Spankless Generation
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2010, 03:20:45 PM »
My niece and nephew were raised with spankings and they are 25 and younger. They also got into acting and improv, for each and every weekend of their lives since they were 3 & 5 respectively participated in Renaissance Faires. They all had curfews and my niece found out one night what happens when she brought a boy into her room after her parents went to sleep, she was 15 at the time, and boy she was upset about what happened, but in the end, she realized what she did was wrong.

As of right now, my niece drives an 18-wheeler, is going to college to become an Accountant, and my nephew is a Senior Computer Technician for the local school district. They weren't handed anything on a platter, when they turned 18, they had to go out and find a job, and pay rent while they lived in their parent's house.

Just because some say that those who are 25 and younger are part of the Spankless Generation, they are sweeping everyone with a very wide brush, because not every adult who was born in that generation is such.

Offline Kimba~

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Re: The Spankless Generation
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2010, 04:07:31 PM »
Just because some say that those who are 25 and younger are part of the Spankless Generation, they are sweeping everyone with a very wide brush, because not every adult who was born in that generation is such.

Why does this always happen?  No matter how clearly I state it, there is always the "broad brush" accusation.

How could I have been clearer?

Certainly there are enlightened individuals of young age.  I don’t want to sound like I am condemning everyone below a certain age.  I am just trying to characterize the mathematical center of the whole group. 
Kimba, PantherClaw Taluna Jungle, WM

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Offline Fishy!

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Re: The Spankless Generation
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2010, 04:09:31 PM »

I think I understand your point.

When I was a kid [and Im only 24 I count as part of the "spankless" generation] I was spanked, got older went to live with my grandma, and while she was not one for corporal punnishment she would yell. she was the type that was either soft spoken or yelling, we knew we didnt wanna get yelled at.

I think Im doing pretty good for myself, Ive got no kids, no criminal record, and I kicked my drug problems years ago. I also work full time, have a nice apt, and keep myself out of debt.

but Ive got freinds... well who were raised with the kind of parents who never raised their voice, the type that took failure with a grain of salt, always expecting their kids "to just do better next time", the best example I have of that is a guy I went to High school with, he was constantly in and out of juvinal hall, rehab, and the likes... two monts ago he just got out of FEDERAL prison, for Smuggling people across the border. -shakes head-

so its not about beating your kids, its about teaching them right from wrong. I honestly think that when people go so easy on their kids...  they never learn any common sence...

I mean look at all the fat kids! didnt anyone teach their children that if you eat nothing but cheetos and drink nothing but soda that you are going to be fat? no instead people just tell their kids "oh its fine, one more apple pie wont hurt"

I know that being a parent is a thankless job most times, but children need to learn, they need conquences.

but its not parents on a whole, I think its society... we are taught to love ourselves for however meodocre we are instead of being taught to reach the stars, abd be happy with how ever far we can get.

Offline Raziel

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Re: The Spankless Generation
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2010, 04:28:02 PM »
Well, I was spanked...

Hell, I was beaten at times...Im just as sane as any other Tuchuk.

But, suffice it to say, I didnt play baseball.  

I played Soccer.

Not that you were pointing fingers or making accusations...Soccer players in my school were the nerds...the other jocks...were dumber than a box of rocks in a frying pan.

I graduated Salutatorian, giving up Valedictorian so my competitor could get a scholarship to MIT.
I was a Boy Scout, from cubs to Eagle Scout with every freaking stupid merit badge I could get because I was raised as an overachiever.  Second place was the first looser.  Joined the Military because I felt it was right, to give back what I was given, which was freedom to choose who I wanted to be.  Fought in a few places, did my tours and got out.  Dont ask for anything in return.

Im not sure I can agree with the Spanking/non spanking thing going on.  Family values is the point.  How do you apply family values into your children.  How do you discipline without disregarding family values?  Easy.

Learn to talk to them.  Even through talking, ie effective communication involving all the senses, one can show disappointment.  There are times when a disappointed look, is much worse than a spanking.  Spankings eventually stop.  The pain goes away.  The look of disappointment lasts much longer.

Ben Franklin also wanted the Turkey for the national bird.  Cant be right about everything.

And even though most in the government with any sense is above 25, they are also more concerned about their retirement and how to line their pockets, afterall, they are politicians.

Also, just to note something else...the Spankless Generation...25 and younger make up about 2/3 of our military.  Serving, fighting and dying for us.

Guess not all are less enlightened than we think.

Its all about how they are raised.  

Being a parent, I do think about how my child is raised and whether or not I will use spankings for discipline or if a look or raised voice can be just as effective.

Is it really the future of the western society to suffer the morons or is it because we simply talk about it instead of actually doing something about it?

With my child, I simply do because at the age of 2, she understands disappointment and discipline without a spanking.  And...she will probably play soccer.  Probably get a trophy.  But thats ok...because who she is is what I love, she is a part of me.  Who she will become, well, that is up to her.  As long as I give her the choices and the proper rearing, Im sure she will make fine decisions, regardless if she throws my ass in an old folks home or not.

Spankless Generation or not...we are ALL a product of our Environment.  What we are allowed to get away with, we will do again.


Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

---Frank Outlaw

« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 04:34:35 PM by Raziel »

Offline Fishy!

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Re: The Spankless Generation
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2010, 05:45:58 PM »
Spankless Generation or not...we are ALL a product of our Environment.  What we are allowed to get away with, we will do again.

How true!! -applauds-

Offline Taryn

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Re: The Spankless Generation
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2010, 07:47:56 PM »
BTW, ping pong paddles HURT!!!

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: The Spankless Generation
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2010, 08:12:35 PM »
:-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X

Offline Kimba~

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Re: The Spankless Generation
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2010, 10:52:24 AM »
Ben Franklin also wanted the Turkey for the national bird.  Cant be right about everything.

Our modern, dumb, flightless, Butterball-type turkey didn't exist then.  Franklin meant the American Wild Turkey, a highly intelligent and beautiful animal.  Walking my dog in the mountains of PA, we flushed one once; and it was magnificent.
Kimba, PantherClaw Taluna Jungle, WM

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Offline Medi

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Re: The Spankless Generation
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2010, 04:53:32 PM »
Ben Franklin also wanted the Turkey for the national bird.  Cant be right about everything.

Our modern, dumb, flightless, Butterball-type turkey didn't exist then.  Franklin meant the American Wild Turkey, a highly intelligent and beautiful animal.  Walking my dog in the mountains of PA, we flushed one once; and it was magnificent.

We have flocks of wild turkeys in the hills where I live, and they are not 'Butterballs'.  They are very smart and resourceful birds, and the cocks can be very aggressive.  One once chased the daughter of a friend into a storage shed, and we had to gang up on him and take him a few miles away and turn him loose.  I have also hunted wild turkeys with a compound bow, and only got lucky twice...and I can put an arrow into a quarter at 30 yards.
Izee' Greyeagle
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Offline Raziel

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Re: The Spankless Generation
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2010, 08:03:05 PM »
Interesting.  The Spankless Generation to Wild Turkeys.  Next will be about Wild Turkey Whiskey.  My point wasnt about what specific turkey.  Hell why not be all wrong and say a beautiful and majestic peacock eh?  Great way to keep the focus on the topic.  No wonder why people use a broad brush of accusation.  Guess Im not acute with the details.  Granted I probably could go into details as to Ben's reason for choosing the Turkey, but hey, it's safe to assume not everyone is a history buff or majored in it.  The Turkey wasn't my point.  It was simply to say not everyone is right about everything.  

Let's stick to the topic because I'm sure there are a great many other opinions on the matter and would hate to see a topic go astray and become just another bastardized blown out of context thread that seem to pop up everywhere that ticks off people to the point they simply would rather not care for "junk" or "opinionated" posts with no real point except for board pollution.


« Last Edit: July 02, 2010, 08:27:44 PM by Raziel »

Offline Medi

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Re: The Spankless Generation
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2010, 09:48:45 PM »
Interesting.  The Spankless Generation to Wild Turkeys.  Next will be about Wild Turkey Whiskey.  My point wasnt about what specific turkey.  Hell why not be all wrong and say a beautiful and majestic peacock eh?  Great way to keep the focus on the topic.  No wonder why people use a broad brush of accusation.  Guess Im not acute with the details.  Granted I probably could go into details as to Ben's reason for choosing the Turkey, but hey, it's safe to assume not everyone is a history buff or majored in it.  The Turkey wasn't my point.  It was simply to say not everyone is right about everything.  

Let's stick to the topic because I'm sure there are a great many other opinions on the matter and would hate to see a topic go astray and become just another bastardized blown out of context thread that seem to pop up everywhere that ticks off people to the point they simply would rather not care for "junk" or "opinionated" posts with no real point except for board pollution.



Aye, I agree that no one is always right about everything...
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle

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Re: The Spankless Generation
« Reply #13 on: July 08, 2010, 05:15:16 PM »
It can be hard ... punishingly hard to score a goal in Soccer... I call it 'Football' for that is how it started way back.
Once again I find myself agreeing with Raziel, whilst still admiring Kimba.  *grins*... ah well times do change *chuckles*.

Be well all.


Offline RickBulow74

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Re: The Spankless Generation
« Reply #14 on: July 09, 2010, 07:12:58 PM »
It can be hard ... punishingly hard to score a goal in Soccer... I call it 'Football' for that is how it started way back.
Once again I find myself agreeing with Raziel, whilst still admiring Kimba.  *grins*... ah well times do change *chuckles*.

Be well all.


Good to see you about old man. You might not recall me under this name but I think a Gorean with an rigid forehead might ring a bell.
OOC - Rick