There are two directions. Learning or grab-ass. Rags was all on me last year about TEACH them, and next year they'll be better. I never participated in your FE before, because it was an embarrassment. Raz mentioned about how if you had a Tuchuk event, how it would be same-ole same-ole boring for you. Ok, well imagine instead that there was a Tuchuk event held by those dumbshit Karians you were complaining about. And they asked you to participate, and they were having a load of fun doing dumbshit stuff that was all wrong for Tuchuks. How'd you feel about that?
You want to make a mockery of Panthering, in my opinion. Have at.
I think that deciding on the potential interest in a FE, is deciding the nature and meaning of the term FE.
As for what the rest of Gor thinks of me, that boat has sailed.
If I'm running a lair, it's no different roleplay anyway, whether as Kimba or Kate, just easier as Kimba.
Then don't participate? -shakes head-
I'm sorry to my Brothers here. I couldn't sit in silence here any longer.
I believe part of the issue with the FE right now? Is people wanting to play, but not wanting to because of how they would be precieved. Even when trying something new, and for the first time.
With a post like this on the boards, that horribly went off topic in such a terrible way? It's really not a surprise that a Forest Event wouldn't gain much traffic this year. The Forest Event is supposed to be fun. Not throwing the book at people who are trying to 'learn'. Though now this will be viewed as people 'learning' how to play something? Is nothing more than a mockery? So help me I really do not understand that crap at all.
So instead of bluntly stating how insulted by the above I feel, and I'm certain others do as well? Perhaps it
is time for a change Brother.
So I propose this idea in a positive light. Instead of continuing to drag others down.
How about holding off on a Forest Event this year. By the looks of things? It is very one sided and unfair in alot of ways. So Instead doing something different so
everyone is out of their element. So one specific person or group cannot spit in the faces of another group after said event is completed?
I like lure's idea of being by a port. Or even how about several ships on the high seas? Or by the mountains..Anywhere that will not have an abundance of Panthers, or other Forest Event related characters, or Wagon Camp style Characters?
If the whole draw of this event is to do something new, or out of our elements? I think it would benefit everyone? If no one had an advantage over the other. Though -snicker-. If I had my way. We'd have an rp with every type of char under the sun, just for the shits and giggles. -winx-.
There. That is the long winded version of what I was trying to say.
Oh and if you do require help with some PD ideas, coding help etc, Brother. You know my digits, and contacts.