Author Topic: Question...  (Read 22287 times)

Offline RAGNAR

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« on: November 29, 2010, 06:45:32 AM »
Is there enough interest to once again do the Annual Forest Event, or would you rather I think of another Event to hold?

Please leave your view on the matter so I know which way the majority would wish to go. If you do not wish to post openly, you may send me an IM through this board. I know some who come to play are frowned upon by others for doing so... but do so anyway in secret.  ;)

Offline Mercilayne

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Re: Question...
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2010, 11:52:05 AM »
hmm....looks like I'm the first..

I think the forest event is a good thing to have.  It promotes a wider view of the Gorean lifestyles in a way that no other place on Gor could.  It gives the women the power that they can't have in any other Gorean setting.  The Forest Event just speaks to some people and shows them what they truly want or are.  Or it allows them to play something different, to have fun in a different way than how they regularly do in Gor. 

I'll be honest...  If it still goes on this year..  I probably won't be playing in it.   It is nothing against the Event.  As I already said, I think it's good.  But it's not for me.  I tried last year.  I played two nights.  I'm sorry, but it didn't speak to me like it did to others.  I liked it, but it wasn't for me.  Does that make sense? 

If it comes up, I'll cheer my female friends on that play the Panthers.  And I'll boo and wish bad fortune on the male characters.

As for another Event..  If another comes up, I would be willing to give it a try as well.

Hope this helped Rags!

Offline Rhodynion of Ar

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Re: Question...
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2010, 12:09:46 PM »
The Forest Event is the very reason for my existence!  ;D

I haven't been all that active last year, but I have high hopes that r/t will allow for a more consistent presence this time. And I still want to catch Nkiru!

On a side note, if you're worried about participation in general, maybe the event could be announced elsewhere, too?

Offline Medi

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Re: Question...
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2010, 06:36:33 PM »
I will certainly play if the event goes this year, and will do my best to get people I have met outside of MTC to play, also.

I found it to be a real turning point in my r/p career, as I have posted many times.  I also had a lot of fun, especially with your characters, Rags.  You made me feel a whole range of emotions, fear, triumph, joy, sadness, happiness, guilt, and sometimes I almost peed my panties, I was laughing so hard.  I also met a wonderful friend that I don't think I would have ever met, otherwise.

I would hope that anyone who would like to play would feel free to do so, and not worry about what others think.  I have seen that other sites welcome all Goreans, and know that WebMaze does, also.

Just my two coppers...

Izee' Greyeagle
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Offline kadi{MTC}

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Re: Question...
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2010, 06:53:54 PM »
if illness allows im in gotta beat the men up some way lol
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Offline Kimba~

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Re: Question...
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2010, 07:56:51 PM »
Maybe we should make PTJ a TRC room for the duration, and anybody who wants to can play a TRC in our band, the pirate cove, or the merc stronghold.  I think I can get some of Donar's people to play too.
Kimba, PantherClaw Taluna Jungle, WM

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Offline RickBulow74

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Re: Question...
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2010, 08:29:55 PM »
hmmm. *stroking my chin thoughtfully* I think this might could be intriguing and would partake in it
OOC - Rick

Offline familure{TD}

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Re: Question...
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2010, 04:31:47 AM »
i dunno about making PTJ the rp room and the woman wishing to play being TRC members of PTJ...

now, before anyone gets rilled, hear me out...

with the exception of last year, i've jumped in and gave the forest event a go. but always as a lone/rouge panther type persona. (that's what i prefer to do in this venue) in the past there has always been the option to join the lair or not. making it so the characters are TRC PTJ members, well, honestly ii would pass on that whole adventure (as i would pass on being a TRC member to any panther lair out there)

to me, part of the fun of the event is the fact it's held in a special group of rooms that only come into being for this very event. that way there is a clear, defined line between the event being what it is...and regular roleplay. giving it that "What happens at the forest event, stays at the forest event"

that all said....

i think part of the reason i didnt really jump in last year was because the event was almost the whole month long. procrastination kicked in...letting me think i could always join in later. i know...bad legs, right? -lol-

maybe 2 weeks this year? force folks to well errmmm...shit or get off the pot (metaphorically speaking) -coughs- besides, leaving folks wanting more is always a good thing ~cheeky grin~

The Forest Event is the very reason for my existence!  ;D

I haven't been all that active last year, but I have high hopes that r/t will allow for a more consistent presence this time. And I still want to catch Nkiru!

Are you still looking for that fur warp you lost? ahhh...well...I hear they sell them in Ar you know. just a thought hunter-man

~a smile threatens as dusky fingers slide through the soft furs, eyes flashing with laughter before turning and disappearing back into the shadows~
« Last Edit: November 30, 2010, 04:41:24 AM by familure{TD} »

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Offline Kimba~

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Re: Question...
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2010, 08:44:17 AM »
I did not mean to say that all the women who want to play Panthers had to do so as members of my Lair, just that it would be easier for PTJ to be the mainline lair.  People could still be rogues or have a rival band.  But for those who want to roleplay as a member of a lair, as Medi did last year - it would be alot easier for me.  I don't know that Medi is ready to differentiate a different Panther character, and I don't think Tasp would even do it.  She has been away for months and is itching to play Tasp.  In fact, I might even play a TRC rogue, and make Tasp and Medi lead.

The other consideration is that our PDs are a bit more elaborate than the TRC rooms, and might generate some interesting roleplay.
Kimba, PantherClaw Taluna Jungle, WM

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Offline Rhodynion of Ar

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Re: Question...
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2010, 01:21:03 PM »
Oh, I remember Ragnar installing some pretty devious PDs for the Event...... the only thing I can't remember right now, is which ones to avoid........  :(
And Nkiru - I just want to capture you!

Offline familure{TD}

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Re: Question...
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2010, 01:22:43 PM »
And Nkiru - I just want to capture you!

awwww...did you miss me pookie-bear?

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Offline razz|n.o.i.r

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Re: Question...
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2010, 03:04:04 PM »
I'm more siding on the views and opinions of Mercy, and lure here. TRC began in the TRC and should remain there. As not to cause any confusion on the whole of the event.

Ive tried the event myself. Wasn't my own thing, but awesome that others do like it.

I don't know bro. How about an 'everything' kind of rp. Where anyone brings out anything character wise for a few nights? -grins-. It'd be interesting to see what people would bring in. Or come up with.  ;D
S I l v e r . & . C o l d
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Offline familure{TD}

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Re: Question...
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2010, 03:54:33 PM »
Kimba, thank you for clarifying how you meant the TRC panthers in the PTJ lair.

now, while i see what you're wishing to do (helping your friends, your fellow role players, to be more comfortable with the concept), i still prefer the idea of the TRC room(s) being used. personally part of the draw of the whole event, for me, is knowing there is the firm hard line that this is a temporary role play event. the specially created rooms seem to just reinforce that ideal in my mind, they are a place where characters you create have a very good chance of being killed, captured and sold off into the unknown - and you can make another one and dive right back in. i don't know how those founding things of the event would be able to work with anyones regular character. for example- if Medi played herself...and was captured, and sold off, or even killed....i think something like that has the potential to really hurt her, as the person behind the screen.

again just my thoughts.

Sarant, what a cool idea!!

and to answer a question from the original post about other ideas and such...

what do you think of say...Port Kar?? i've always wondered about being a She-Urt!!


« Last Edit: November 30, 2010, 04:09:21 PM by familure{TD} »

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Offline Raziel

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Re: Question...
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2010, 06:16:31 PM »
If it aint broke, then dont try to fix it.

The TRC is just that.  Temporary Roleplay Characters.  In the TRC, the characters are throw away...again it is to help people to not only experience a different side of life but also not get so attached to the characters they are playing.  We (as in Rags and myself) will have about 5 TRC's ready because you never know who will die and who will live.  If you play your own character in a TRC Forest Event then be prepared to possibly loose said character.  If it turns out to become something like a TRC Sea Event, again be prepared to loose said character.  The idea is to promote the possibility of other characters from other places or regions.  How much would it suck for Tuchuks to host a TRC Wagon Camp Event?  Kinda one sided.  There is no real difference for us.  Should we hold a Forest event, then what break is there for the Panthers unless they play something completely different?

Perspective and general roleplay to experience something new.  Whether it be a Forest Event, a Desert Event, a Sea Event, a Northern Event or what have you.  Keep the same set up True.  Break open a new room for the event, have a vote on a type of event if there is interest in other venues besides forest and see who shows up and how much fun is had.  Who knows...people might be tired of playing Outlaws and/or Panthers...or people might be tired of always dealing with Outlaws or alway dealing with Panthers.  C'est la vie.

That should be the real issue.  Do we stick with the event or try something new?  And if there are any ideas.  

Which is after all...the original question that people seem to loose sight of.

Keep on track and look at the original question.

Tsk tsk.

« Last Edit: November 30, 2010, 06:19:26 PM by Raziel »

Offline Kimba~

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Re: Question...
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2010, 06:27:17 PM »
Where anyone brings out anything character wise for a few nights? -grins-. It'd be interesting to see what people would bring in. Or come up with.  ;D

Anybody can get lost/stranded/abandoned in the Forest/Jungle.
Kimba, PantherClaw Taluna Jungle, WM

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