Woobie had tests and such done today, and tons of bloodwork. She is scheduled for more tests tomorrow.
She is a bit more stable than last night, but is still being watched.
She has decided she does NOT like how large doses of morphine make her feel.
There was talk of moving her to a stepdown unit after her evening bloodwork was done to make sure she was stable enough. The bloodwork has been done for some time now, but they haven't released the results nor have they moved her.
I very much dislike being kept in the dark when it comes to my girl. I do believe there will be hell to pay when I go in tomorrow. I may end up in the clink, but rest assured if I do not get answers to my satisfaction, there will be others heading for the fucking ER.
They wake her every hour for vitals, and housekeeping sees fit to waltz in about 2 in the morn and turn on the lights and clean her room. Well, for what passes for clean there. They dump her trash, look around, wipe off their crashcart and walk out. The joint is a literal shithole!!!!! Woob asked if she could use the bathroom instead of the bedpan. She was informed she wouldn't want to use it. It is mostly used to dump some pretty nasty stuff, and doesn't really get cleaned. Patients in ICU usually don't use it, so they don't bother cleaning it. OMG!!!!! They don't bother cleaning where all sorts of waste is dumped, her bedpan is stored, urinals are stored, and wash basins are filled for patients to clean with?
There is old gum stuck to the filthy floor, as well as other unidentifiable colorful sticky liquids, dirt, dust (that is not stuck to the unidentifiable spots), and a 35 gal can in there nearly full with old nasty IV tubing, IV bags, etc, that no way in hell was used for my woob overnight. NO WAY NO HOW!!!!! We have less medical waste in my dialysis center for 30 - 50 dialysis patients in a day than is in that can... and it looks better as well!!!!!
And I am going to be having words with our Dr Babe as well, and she is NOT going to like what I have to say. It was her word we relied on to do this transfer, and she does not come to see her there. Some flunky shows up in her place, walks in asks how she feels... pats her arm and leaves.
The flunky informed woob the Dr Babe doesn't drive up there to see patients. We will Goddamned see how fast and far she fucking drives when she sees me coming. I will not play these games. Woob is not their experimental piece of meat. She is MINE and I intend to keep her regardless of the cost to them or their shithole facility. The hospital Police already got a taste of me today, and they did not like it. They will like it a great deal less if I have to get upset before the correct course of action is taken.