Author Topic: Attention sisters  (Read 2992 times)

Offline Shadow duck

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Attention sisters
« on: January 18, 2016, 05:06:26 PM »
should you take your collar for granted?

Well it seems we are all guilty of this in some manner, so I have taken it upon myself to change some things. We are going to return to what we are ....slaves nothing more nothing less, should you decide you donot require this refresher then by all means enjoy the comfort of any of the cages till you see the folly of this thinking. Yes I am included in this . We need to help each other become once again the best there is. ..... This is my choice , no I have not discussed this before hand I made a judgement call. If I am in the wrong I alone will accept what ever punishment is metered out.

The way I see it we have become soft to soft to ladeda in or serves our details. As there is only two of us slave level who are trainers we are looking to have more join us to earn this privilege , I look forward to comments and suggestions , either posted openly or pmed.....but be forwarded it may be shared anno like. As in no names if it is helpful to all.
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Re: Attention sisters
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2016, 05:20:58 PM »
agrees with you, but since there is no training during migration, som of us must struggle along till things settle in once more and we have the time to get the help needed, with that said, I to will try harder to improve on being more detailed, thank you for the reminder.... hugs
"Though I am slave," she said, "yet for the first time in my life, I am free."

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Re: Attention sisters
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2016, 06:43:55 AM »
greetings chanz,

i am so happy you posted this. thank you for the encouragement to share my opinion. no, your collar, nor your life should be taken for granted. there is always a better way to present yourself, serve a Free, help a sister and even annoy a thrall. i am open to critique or lesson. i do not always appreciate the method, but i need them to continue growing. may that never stop.

my first thoughts are:

all slaves, no matter their "level" be periodically restested, to make sure they still hold the knowledge that level implies. kettles to senior mat/thrall should be tested every six months and pagar slaves, which includes myself, should be retested every three. if you are gone for a gorean month, you are retested before returning to your last "level". the rare medical exemption will be handed down by only Master Ubar.

chores claimed on this board, gifts made, service given, etc. must actually be roleplayed out in the room. for example, ic in the room i post "kiah walks to the chamber pots and cleans them one by one." and then go to the choreboard and claim "kiah cleaned the chamber pots". is that true? is that fair to those that do chore out in steps? i understand the desire to give as much as you can but is it better to "complete" a list of chores half~assed done or do only one to the best of your ability?

please know that kiah understands each Owner has their own standard of excellence and unique pleasures. rt bites our butts all too often. some of you are working extensively offline/behind the scenes. camp and its chores are impossible to "complete" alone. however, my sisters, all too many times there seems to be a snap of the fingers and voila a chore is done. we all know we can do better than that.

chanz is dead right in our needing to help eachother and i ask this rhetorical question, as i don't want to hijack this post. (please don't' hijack the post): what have you done to help wren after her discipline?

yes, in the end, we are only slaves, yet we are Tuchuk kajirae, the best of all of Gor. if you're a kettle, as we all were at one point, then you be the best kettle you can be. no active training due to migration? then you be ready to test the moment it does. if dancing is your weakness, you dance, dance, dance, in your head, in your heart, over and over, until it's your strength.

we need the Free, our Owners, our trainers and we definitely need eachother. just as importantly, we need to do just as much ourselves, on our own, without our hand held, bottom swatted or board post from a trainer. inspiration, strength and lessons can't always come from another. self~discipline and self~reflection are important in a slave.

above all, we need to remember, every word, spoken or thought, every action, commanded or offered, is a test of our worthiness.

i appreciate the Free giving us this board to speak. thank you for listening to me.

with "tough love",


Offline flame{NS}

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Re: Attention sisters
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2016, 01:34:56 PM »
yes i agree with all of you.. we do need to help each other to be the best slaves that we can be.. i know i have not been around as much as i should...that is on ones fault but my own..i am getting better each day and i thank you all for the help you have given me...with the Frees and slaves help working together we can be the best Tuchuk in all of Gor..the better we become the more people will see and has to come in and see for them selves... i and i think i am talking for chanzs to on this.. we are here to help anyone that needs it.. all you have to do is let us know what you are having problems with

I won't promise to be your friend forever, because I won't live that long. But let me be your friend as long as I live.


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Re: Attention sisters
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2016, 03:01:39 PM »
kiah goes to her Master for most things but sometimes, as you know, she just needs to talk to a sister. thanks for being there.

Offline flame{NS}

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Re: Attention sisters
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2016, 03:35:32 PM »
you are most welcome sis.. i am always here if you need to talk...
I won't promise to be your friend forever, because I won't live that long. But let me be your friend as long as I live.

Offline Shadow duck

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Re: Attention sisters
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2016, 08:39:25 PM »
kiah first in responce as what help wren has been given since her punishment, well I cannot speak for any others but I have tried to be encouraging in my words and actions to her I still treat her like an equal nothing more nothing less . yes I could be mean and treat her as the punishment dictates problem being it just as easily be chanz bald and a say one thing chanz worked her way up the levels...she was mat for six migrations then Sr mat for another five. Pagar is a level she has enjoyed only about five migrations now so that is my responce as confusing as it is...grins.....

flame ....yes you do and can speak for me any time I support your choices as I should we are a team and sisters .

So let's get back to basis, after we are settled , chores will be posted .no excuses, when a sister enters please up date her in pm as to whom has been served or requires serve etc.

Kiah as to retesting...grins we are tested often we just don't know it but should you like more it can be arranged.....grins and giggles ebily
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Re: Attention sisters
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2016, 06:47:02 AM »

i am getting a mixed message from you. you speak of being equals and then ignore my request to leave the answer to my wren question of this thread. i am not angry, just confused and perhaps i was unclear first. i look forward to you and i finding a common language to speak in. i do believe we both have the same goal in our hearts.

by improving ourselves, hopefully we can coax the Free from their personal wagons and all those banquet serves, so popular before migration. as realistic as they are and obviously pleasing to them, kiah misses the opportunity to offer serve to the Free, gathered around the main fire. soon to be busy with Clan work, with a Healer's job rarely done and a Warriors, never, those times may still be rare. they would also be so very precious when they do occur. let us become grateful again for every little bit of attention gifted and make the most of each and every opportunity to shine.

cute, chanz, and i do enjoy special treatment i earn but i stand by my suggestion that we all retest and will take it a step further. i challenge you and every other pagar to a test of eachother. we each pick three questions from the pagar test on our website, meet in the kennel wagon and present the questions to eachother. we have a limited time to privately submit an answer to, say an NPC for the night, whom collects the responses to be corrected by an ever impartial Master Ubar. you like to have fun. i sometimes get too serious. this will be a great compromise! i do have the advantage of recently testing so i'll let you set the date. ~grins~ let me know.

meanwhile, i am in full support of your suggestions regarding posting chores and updating eachother regarding service of the Free. i'm still listening (to chanz and all of my sisters) and be warned, still thinking *wink* i wish you well


Offline NightStorm

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Re: Attention sisters
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2016, 11:40:43 AM »
It should be noted that trainers, including my flame, should be held to higher standards.

I am selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes. I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best...~~~Marilyn Monroe~~~


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Re: Attention sisters
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2016, 01:55:55 PM »
yes Mistress.
