...This is a truly lovely Chinese concerto, featuring the ErHu.
I studied the ErHu with a Caucasian violinist, but I never got close to this level of skill.
I got two of my friends to also study with the violinist, and we behaved badly.
He said that we could just refer to the instruments as 'Hooos'...and, of course, we would always cut up with silly questions like..."Who's on 1st?"...and he would YELL at us!
This concerto, "The Butterfly Lovers", is based on an old Chinese legend. A young woman wanted to study and learn, but Chinese women weren't allowed to do that. So, she disguised herself as a man, and went to a school to study. She became friends with a Chinese man, and fell in love with him...but she couldn't let him know that 'He' was a woman. So, she invited him to visit her village, and he could meet her sister, and they could marry. The young man traveled, and met her, she had taken off the disguise, and fell in love. But, her Father had already bethrowed her to another man, and...his heart broken...he died. As she was on her way to the wedding ceremony, a wind kicked up, and they all had to stop. She saw that it was near his grave, and she went to it to pay her respects, and begged to be with him again. The earth opened...and she fell in...and died...and...two butterflies emerged from the grave and flew away...together.