Author Topic: An unusual Gig...*S*  (Read 29533 times)

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
« Reply #60 on: February 23, 2018, 05:45:31 PM »

Offline Medi

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Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
« Reply #61 on: February 24, 2018, 12:15:35 PM »
...This post is about hunting, so please don't read it if you disapprove...

When I was young, a co-worker, John,  got me into hunting.  I bought all of the stuff, and would join his family to hunt deer, hogs, and ducks.  They had a really interesting place to hunt ducks.  We would wade out into a pond to a small island.  The water would come up to my waist...but my waterproof 'waders' came up to just below my breasts...and secure straps held them up.   ;)

There were three 'missile silos' on the island.   :)  They had gotten three pieces of really wide aluminum piping, and had dug pits, and mounted them upright, and had metal camoflaughed covers for them.  Each silo could comfortably hold two people, and they were pretty deep.  We would rig up a small canopy after taking off the covers, and would climb in.  When I was in one...only my head would be above the edge.   :P  I would have to stand on tiptoes to get my shotgun over the edge.

Once, John called me on a Friday night, and said that he would not be able to hunt, but that his brother, Jeff, would pick me up at the usual time...5:30 am...and I said, "OK".  I liked Jeff, he was very handsome, and had gotten a football scholarship to AZ State when he was young.  I woke up that morning, took a shower, ate a quick breakfast, and gathered my stuff.  He pulled in front of our house at about 5:30, and I went out and joined him and we drove to the duck blinds.   :)

(Continue below... :))
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
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Offline Medi

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Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
« Reply #62 on: February 24, 2018, 12:38:07 PM »
...Jeff hadn't brought his dog, Buck, with him, so that meant that we would have to wade out and retrieve our own ducks.   ;)  That had happened before, and when I first shot a duck, and the dog wasn't there...and gave them my best 'big innocent eyes' look...they just said, "Go out and get is scaring other ducks away."   :P

Jeff and I waded to one of the 'missile silos' and prepared it, and climbed in, and set up.  He checked me out, making sure that all was safe...and we got ready.   :) 
We had a very good hunt.  I shot four ducks, myself, and he gave me one since he was one over the limit.  He did 'counsel' me a number of times over my lack of technique, and I would just nod and listen, and learn.   :)

(Finish below... :))
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
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Offline Medi

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Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
« Reply #63 on: February 24, 2018, 12:56:19 PM »
...I was getting a bit tired towards the end, but I did shoot a duck, and climbed out of the missile silo and waded towards the duck to retrieve it.   :P  The water was waist deep, and I was walking slow, fearful that I might slip and fall.  Of course, I was still carrying my shotgun, in case other ducks came by.  But, I was mostly looking down, and where the duck was floating.  :P

I suddenly heard Jeff shout..."P.......", and I slowly turned and yelled back..."WHAT?"  He just waved me away, and I slowly turned, and went and got the duck and came back to the missile silo.  He just ignored me when I asked what the yell was about.   :o  We finished the hunt, and Jeff brought me back home...and I HAD FIVE DUCKS!  I plucked them and cleaned them, and made a nice dinner for my family.   ;D

(OK, finish below... :))
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
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Offline Medi

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Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
« Reply #64 on: February 24, 2018, 01:18:10 PM »
...On Monday, late morning, John came into my office.  I was feeling very irritable, I had been working on a very difficult accounting problem...and had been drinking a LOT of coffee.   :(  He sat across from me, and just grinned.  He said, "Jeff and I talked about your 'hunt' when we met yesterday."  I just set the pencil aside, and asked Him, as I slightly slumped..."What did Jeff say?"   ???

John grinned even wider, and said..."Jeff said YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE THE THINGS SHE DID!"  John replied, "Oh, I work with her...try me."  Apparently I had broken pretty much every etiquite rule of hunting in a 'missile silo'   :o

John told me that the reason Jeff yelled at me when I was retrieving my duck, was because there was a small flock of 'sprig' heading towards me.  Sprig are the best eating wild ducks, they just eat grain, so they don't taste 'fishy' like a mallard, and they are as large as a mallard.  Apparently, when I turned around to yell back at Jeff, the flock flew right behind me.   :o  He didn't fire at them...I was too close.   :o

They still took me hunting with them... ::)

Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
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Offline RAGNAR

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Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
« Reply #65 on: February 24, 2018, 06:10:02 PM »
I would wait until you were in the silo, all concealed, stuck, then I would have to fart.    ;D

Offline Medi

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Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
« Reply #66 on: February 25, 2018, 01:51:14 AM »
...Last hunting tale... :)

Those guys took me on deer hunting trips in the CA foothills.  They had 600 acres in the Family, and a very nice place to stay.  It was a small cottage, no electricity or running water, but it was very nice.  It was old, and neat stuff in it.  One side had what they called the 'bunkhouse'.  It was a covered patio, it had a door, and just screening around, and four very old metal beds.  Their Grandpa would always show up when we hunted.   :)  He was a very nice man, although he cheated at cards... ;)

Grandpa told me that I could sleep in the second bedroom, but I just slept in the bunkhouse, it was cooler.  I kept my 'stuff' in the second bedroom... :)...when it was time to go to bed, I would go into the bedroom, change into shorts and a t-shirt, and join the guys in the bunkhouse, and climb into my sleeping bag.  They never teased or molested me...they were gentlemen.   :)

We always arose early, and ate bacon and eggs, and headed out, and would plan the hunt.  I usually did well, and would get a buck each season.   ;)  Problem was, they had a rule..."YOU SHOOT IT...YOU CARRY IT OUT!"  I did OK a couple times...but several times they could see that I was exhausted, and take over.  I would get back to the cottage, and say, "STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME...I GOTTA GET CLEAN!"  I would go to where they had a pump well, strip, and pour water over myself until I felt clean, and put on other clothing, and wash my 'hunting clothing' and hang it up to dry...I really don't know if they looked at me.   :P

End of tale... :)  It was a very hot day, and Jeff led us to a rather steep canyon, and pointed across, and said..."I saw bucks there".  The other three men nodded, and started to head down.  I opened the magazine of my 30-06, and pulled out the bullets...AND THREW THEM AS FAR AWAY AS I COULD!  Jeff looked at me with puzzlement...and I said..."I will walk there with you guys...BUT YOU ARE NOT GONNA BLAME ME FOR SHOOTING ONE!"   :o

He just nodded, and muttered..."Women"    ::)
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
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Offline RAGNAR

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Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
« Reply #67 on: February 25, 2018, 05:45:59 PM »

Offline Medi

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Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
« Reply #68 on: February 25, 2018, 11:52:53 PM » last 'hunting tale'    ::)

When I first went deer hunting with those guys, I wasn't sure what to expect.   :P  There was usually me, 3 guys, and Grandpa.  I expected that, as the only female, they would expect me to do chores.   :P  I was WRONG!   ::)  They had their routine, and I usually just sat off to the side.   :)  But I learned the routine and tried to help.

Jeff would prepare breakfast, and once I figured out what was going on, I helped Him.  I would unwrap the bacon, and crack the eggs...and then just stand back.   :)  We would all help clean up.  Lunch was a 'do it yourself', we had bread and cold cuts and you just ate what you wanted.  But DINNER WAS ALWAYS SPECIAL!   ;D

Jeff would BBQ, and I was introduced to food I had never eaten before.  BBQ ducks ARE REALLY GOOD!  I must have eaten TEN before I stopped.   :D  But, the best was when Jeff brought 'home made sausage'.  I was very leery of them.   ???  (I am going to do my best to not make this post sensual.)  They were very thick, and very long.  Jeff grilled them, and I asked, "What is in them?"  He just nodded and said, "Oh, this and that,"  and I nodded back at Him. 

When we sat down to eat, I drank some beer before I cut away a little bit.  I have no food allergies, so I wasn't worried, and I cut off a slice and ate it.  I WAS ASTONISHED!   ;D   It tasted SO GOOD!  I just GORGED on them, and they sat well in my tummy that night.   ;D  They were much better than any store bought sausages I have ever eaten.

In my future, I plan on getting a machine that can make sausages, and study how to do that.   :)
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
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Offline RAGNAR

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Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
« Reply #69 on: February 26, 2018, 05:59:04 PM »
Staying away from the whole innuendo aspect, LOL, game sausage is VERY tasty once you perfect just the right combination and amounts!!!!!

Offline Medi

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Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
« Reply #70 on: February 27, 2018, 01:25:28 PM »
...You are totally right about 'game sausage', Rags, it was very good!  Nothing like I had ever tasted before.   :D  Jeffs' brother, John, worked with me...technically...I was Johns' Boss, and asked John what Jeffs' recipe was.  John just grinned at me and said, "Oh, this and that."  My 'insane mind' almost said..."I am working on your mid-term review"...but I didn't.   :)  I was not about to INTERFERE with Family relations, and figured that John would just make up a 'recipe' that would pretty much poison me.   ;D  But, during the years we worked together, sometimes John would bring me some sausage, and other game.   :)  Of course, I didn't go on every hunt with them, so they would give me meat from a deer, ducks, quail, and bacon from a hog.   ;D

I miss them, they are back in CA.   :(
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
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Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
« Reply #71 on: February 27, 2018, 05:00:29 PM »
...just to let you all 'insane mind' really is INSANE!!!!!!     :o

I actually tried to 'run with the BULLS' in Pamplona.  It was between my Jr and Sr year of HS, and I spent 6 weeks in Spain that summer on a very carefully supervised 'visit', with about 60 other youth.  We were in Lecaroz, not far from Pamplona, and me and three guys decided that we would 'run with the BULLS'!  We all bought the 'uniform' was all white...loose leggings and tunic...probably so the bystanders could see blood if you got gored.   :P  But, I especially liked the red beret...I thought I looked 'pretty good' as we boarded the buses.

We snuck away as our formal group was gathering, and went to where the 'runners' were filing in.  We had all been warned about the 'Guardia Civil'...they were Men who walked in pairs in a formal military uniform...and carried small machine guns over their shoulders.  We were all told, "Don't try to tease them, and if they give you an order...JUST DO IT!!!!!!!!!

The four of us got to the gate where the 'runners' were entering, and a Guardia grabbed me by my right arm, and roughly hauled me away.  He glared at me, and said, in Spanish, "This is FOR THE MEN, girl, stay OUT!"  I replied, in Spanish, "I didn't know that, please forgive me."  He then grinned, turned me around, and gave me a huge swat to the butt...and I headed back to where I knew our group was.   :P  Anyway...some nice music... :)
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
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Offline RAGNAR

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Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
« Reply #72 on: February 27, 2018, 06:00:31 PM »

Offline Medi

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Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
« Reply #73 on: February 28, 2018, 01:35:51 AM »
...*LOL*  That's probably what would have happened to me, Rags.   ;D  Here is even more evidence of my 'insane mind'.  My 'insane mind' is, well, 'insane', and the 'rational' mind is banished when the 'insane mind' kicks in.  When I was on that summer trip to Spain, we were all taken to a ranch, and saw bulls being trained to 'bullfight'.  They took us all to a ring, and asked if anyone wanted to 'fight' a bull.  Of course, my 'insane mind' kicked in, I waved my hands, and ended up second in line.   ;D

It was actually a small steer, not one of those huge bulls.  The first guy got knocked down twice, and gave up.  I had actually watched bullfighting on TV, and figured that I had it figured out.  I walked out, and waved the cape...and the steer ignored the cape...and knocked me down.  I got up, and tried again...and got knocked down.  Both of my minds were a bit fuzzy... :P...and someone yelled..."Hold the cape in front of you!"  I did so... :P

The damn steer caught me between his horns and slammed me against the wall.   :P  I laid on the ground for a while, and decided that my career as a 'Matador' was over, and got up and handed off the cape.   :o  Thinking back, I was probably lucky to have not been seriously injured.   :P
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
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Offline RAGNAR

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Re: An unusual Gig...*S*
« Reply #74 on: February 28, 2018, 05:57:03 PM »
Sis, you are loved, but you are NOT right in the head.  ;D ;D ;D ::) :P :-X :-*